Above: George (Russell Tovey) & Nina (Sinead Keenan) in a screen cap from the Being Human trailer below.
The season three BH teaser trailer:
22-12-2010 mrjasonlor: Tom_In_Oz_ I saw the BH series 3 trailer. I just wish it was a little bit longer though. Wanted to see more of @russelltovey.

22-12-2010 Tom_In_Oz_: @mrjasonlor yep, short but sweet, just how I like my.....erm....coffee?

More BH spoilers for season three
(look away now if you can)
Here’s what SFX magazine had to say:
First off we’ll be seeing more Werewolves. Just exactly how they’ll play into the main story as yet is to be revealed. But there could be baby news on the horizon for George (Russell Tovey) and Nina (Sinead Keenan).
“Looking to George’s future, there’s a major development for him and Nina. This causes them to reach out to other members of the werewolf community: in particular, a father/son duo who appear dotted across four episodes of the series, played by Michael Socha (brother of Lauren Socha, chav queen of Misfits), and Robson Green, who’s a huge fan of the series.”
The third season will also see Annie (Lenora Crichlow) get rescued by Mitchell (Aiden Turner), who will be aided by a character from the afterlife called Leah, who is played by Lacey Turner of Eastenders fame.
However, like with everything in ‘Being Human’ Annie’s return will have a few twists in the tail. One of which is that someone has come back with her and will be a part of Annie’s key episode. Lenora Crichlow explains.
“It kind of puts Annie in place. This zombie exposes Annie to all the things she’ll never have again. Often the things that happen in Annie’s adventures really make her realise how in limbo she is, and just how unsettling that can be when you’re looking at that for eternity.”
In terms of Mitchell. Our favorite vampire is still in a very dark place after having massacred a load of humans on the train during last season, and even the return of Annie hasn’t completely settled him.
So a zombie, more werewolves, some Mitchell angst and maybe a baby? I really don't know about you, but I'm definitely looking forward to seeing all of that!
Being Human will return to BBC THREE in January of 2011
This is Tom’s home down under:

Press play: This 2 min video shows you my suburb, local beach and former dwelling which was in Mitchell Street - a spooky Being Human connection, eh? Enjoy a taste of sunny Oz!
Date: 22-12-2010 Time: Midday.
A little bit of festive cheese:

22-11-2010 russelltovey: Nice bit of gym time, just before physique reversal that is Christmas x :-) cheese!

22-11-2010 Dodochicky: @russelltovey A lovely way of putting it! LOL Hope you + yours have a wonderful Xmas + New Year hun.

22-11-2010 leo_richardson: thanks2my special boys @robdiament @MatthewCainC4 @russelltovey for a lovely festive dinner last nite & the new dance; spin, paw & whore.

22-11-2010 russelltovey: @leo_richardson spin paw and whore honey x

22-11-2010 leo_richardson: @russelltovey Lids! x

22-11-2010 russelltovey: @leo_richardson arg? X

22-11-2010 robdiament: @leo_richardson @MatthewCainC4 @russelltovey LOVED seeing you guys... how festive. Oh honey. xx
22-11-2010 MatthewCainC4: @leo_richardson @robdiament @russelltovey Am following you now, sister. And good to see you last night!
22-11-2010 PeterK111: @russelltovey clearly a time to get all sweaty and out of breath
22-11-2010 MistressJoJo: @Sose_Carter I found the lovely @russelltovey last week by accident too! Why don't they promote this stuff??
22-11-2010 V_Browning: @russelltovey I'll be doing that later. It's almost like tricking your body into thinking that this isn't the season to get stuffed!
22-11-2010 The AdzFactor: @russelltovey I love the 'kisses' on your tweets haha.. X
22-11-2010 sjdsmith: @russelltovey Were you ever thin?

22-11-2010 jaybs: @russelltovey I'm sure not just Cheese! plenty of other "Treats" I have not eat cake, biscuits etc since Aug, but just bought some on?? J Xx
22-11-2010 jimmytherhead: @russelltovey I'm quite sure no amount of cheese could ever make you look anything other than truly lovely Mr. Tovey.
22-11-2010 Sose_Carter: @russelltovey I didn't know Being Human was screening on Aus TV late Fri nights. You made my night last week! Stayed up that extra hour. :P
22-11-2010 iamsweetmel: @russelltovey Ha tell me about it!! Hope you have a great Xmas lovely! xx
22-12-2010 barrypilling: Well it is very very good. RT @Degnne: Holy carp! @barrypilling mentioned We Are Monsters on @tvbhc That's so awesome. :D Thanks!
16-12-2010 ACleland23: @Caraisnotdead dunno if you're at the gig tonight (or tomorrow night) but Russell Tovey is there as well :) enjoy your trip.x
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