russelltovey: In the words of legend Chris Rea -I'm Driving home for Christmas...Well...Sitting on a train..For Christmas.. X happy holidays me wittys x

GtBarrierLeaf: @russelltovey Health first, and then family, they are what counts. The best of both to you. Merry Christmas x

Lionesskeeper: @russelltovey Merry Christmas Russell ^_^

angloirishgal: @russelltovey Merry Xmas to you..have a super time and thanks for being so entertaining to us wittys!x

Tom_In_Oz_: Merry Christmas from my family to yours.

joooos1: @russelltovey Merry Christmas! Have a good one! Thanks for keeping me entertained in 2010! xx

tezlong: @russelltovey Russelll!! You just got off my train at Billericay !! Ahhh i was tempted to run off and have a hug lol xxxx

Shot_z1: @russelltovey have a good one mate - good meeting u the other night with Leo ;-)

Ajkemmy: Merry Christmas and more importantly to me have a Happy New Year. I hope that all your dreams come true in 2011. Love and light Adam xxxxx

russelltovey: @Ajkemmy you too Mr K x

leo_richardson: just arrived home, where in local news, a woman has been savaged to death by a dog.
Ajkemmy: @leo_richardson fuck stay in doors mate! And stay away from Dogs! Werewolf' are cool. @russelltovey
russelltovey: @Ajkemmy :-) x
Ajkemmy: @russelltovey thanks mister! X

jaybs: @russelltovey Russ Big ThanX for introducing Annabel D to me, she is such a kind person and now a friend! John xx
sophoife: @russelltovey Lucky you...! A train that goes...
Tenbats13: @russelltovey Have a great Christmas and a Happy New Year! Enjoy a well earned rest. XxX
kyliefansunites: @russelltovey where are you from?!
Stevewilson00: @russelltovey i love working christmas eve ,,, NOT
iamCHRLT: Merry Christmas :D
My_World_Insane: @russelltovey i guess you're giving yourself some muscles, christmas is made for go fat with all the candy table, do it and have fun. Hhappy holidays russell :)
jaybs: @russelltovey Have an Amazing Christmas! and the same for all Your Family! Train? do you not drive?? J Xx
GbMedusa: A happy and safe one to you and yours.
JamesRHiggins: @russelltovey merry Christmas mr Tovey
trickster1966: @russelltovey Hoping you and yours all hav a very Cool Yule...!
marluskane: @russelltovey happy christmas to you as well.
TraceyStreet: @russelltovey SAFE JOURNEY & A VERY HAPPY XMAS TO YOU TO !:O)
frunkiee: @JeSuisBen haha! @russelltovey is a beaut!!
jesuisben: I will make sweet love to my 400th follower, whoever they may be! *crosses fingers that it's @russelltovey*
ChrissyMarieB: @russelltovey Merry Christmas!!
jamesh4037: @russelltovey you too russell. thanks for making the world more interesting with your art.
CanadaRod: @russelltovey Happy Holidays Russell! :)
PeterK111: @russelltovey Have an excellent Christmas
Suziepooz: @russelltovey Saw you on the underground in the summer. Beautiful complexion my lamb xx
Unlucky_Gary: @russelltovey soon theyl be a 3way
podgemon: @russelltovey merry crimbo loverly mr. Tovey. Hope you have a splendid time. With love from me & the hubby. xx
MaximManchester: @russelltovey happy Christmas to you too xx
MizLicketySplit: @russelltovey Merry Christmas BB! Have a wonderful holiday season! xxx
ChrisH367: @russelltovey Merry Christmas Russell! Have a great day! X
rudehamster: @russelltovey Have a fabulous Christmas and an excellent New Year, Russell. xxx
Disco_D_16: @russelltovey Happy christmas Russell ! Enjoy food, drink family and friends ! Especially the drink in my case.... x
Vicklarr: @russelltovey Hope you have awesome Christmas Russell! :) xx
Celeste11Topaz: @russelltovey Happy Holidays! xo.. I can't wait for the new season of #BEINGHUMAN !!
Andrew_Mackie: @russelltovey And your good self, Russell. xx
laurannguy: @russelltovey "Oh there's no place like home for the Holidays..."
DistractedinNJ: @russelltovey Happy Holidays to you too Sweetie! May you be blessed now and throughout the coming year!
Dyana: @russelltovey I hope you get home safe & on time for Christmas...
byepolar: Gutted! @russelltovey just stole my Chris Rea joke =[ oh well I'm sure he wasn't aware he did it lol
girlfromhandbag: @russelltovey Wishing you a very merry Christmas, Russell. Have a great day! Go easy on the mince pieces! x
annatwigg: @russelltovey Happy Christmas to you too! Hope you have a lovely time. X
gumibear85: @russelltovey merry christmas :)
poprockgeek: @russelltovey Have a great Christmas & all the best for 2011 x
BecksPeasrson: @russelltovey I love that song and plus it's in gavin and Stacey best show ever :) xx
Even in bed…
TheNaylorMan: @russelltovey Hey buddy, would you reckomend them timberland earthkeeper boots? Thinking of getting some!! Cheers Russell....Merry Christmas

russelltovey: @TheNaylorMan they are superb! I haven't taken them off since getting them. Even in bed! X
Above: Marcus Whitney is the head of make-up at BBC3. He is responsible for making Russell Tovey the best looking werewolf in the world. NB.The photo above is of presents under Marcus's tree.
Rare Russell Tovey
& the Being Human cast do Xmas.
Video 1:
The coming season of Being Human which starts in January 2011 will allegedly bring a baby into the life of George (Russell Tovey) & Nina (Sinead Keenan). Here is a special preview of what to expect. This clip made me misty-eyed. Thank you "TheDoctorsBadWolf" for making it so special.
Video 2:
The next video encapsulated what has happened in the 2 preceding seasons of Being Human. "TheDoctorsBadWolf" has set the tone with layers of gothic angst. Well done you!
Video 3:
The next video is one of the DVD extras cut from season one of Being Human and sets up some comic moments between George and Nina.
Video 4:
A Being Human Xmas romp. Made by mybrightidea and fitting for the festive season.
And don’t forget the new Being Human season three teaser trailer starring Russell Tovey is at post (click here): No.907
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