Below: The beach to the left of where we live. The films Mad Max and Star Wars 2 were shot in the dunes here.

NB. Both photos were sent to my Twitter/Blog followers on Xmas Day. Most live in the frozen northern hemisphere.
For those who missed this iPhone video earlier here is a brief look at my beach suburb in Oz.
Press play:
Boxing Day Honours List 2010:
Degnne: @Tom_In_Oz_ Merry Christmas, Tom.
imjustanerd: @AWOLTom Happy Christmas, Tom! Hope Santa gets you everything you want :P
Dorina335: @Tom_In_Oz_ A wonderful Christmas to u and all ur family Tom x
beinghumanfan: @Tom_In_Oz_ and thanks for all of your hard work on the RT blog, much appreciated!
b3n_ifit: @Tom_In_Oz_ Merry X-mas Tom!
b3n_ifit: @russtov_fansite and a ho ho back!
joooos1: @Tom_In_Oz_ Merry Christmas to you all in Oz! I'm currently making bread sauce. Thanks for the photos!
KilledByAShoe: I know I've already said this....but MERRY XMAS EVE EVERYONE!!! It'll be Merry Xmas in the morning (merry xmas now to @Tom_In_Oz_ ) :D xx
Tom_In_Oz_: @KilledByAShoe luv to you tooooooooooooo it's the sherry talking ahhh
KilledByAShoe: @Tom_In_Oz_ Are you drunk? Lol x
kylelehane: @Tom_In_Oz_ wow!!! i wish i had that weather here in little old ireland where it is continueing to snow and be freezeing u so lucky!!!
Tom_In_Oz_: @kylelehane you just keep yourself warm by eating lots of food and scotch/rum/vodka oh forgot you are a minor - don't touch the food!!! hehe
kylelehane: @Tom_In_Oz_ ha ha vry funny!!!just watching die hard on tv and asking myself what it has to do with christmas????
angloirishgal: @Tom_In_Oz_ G'night Tom, happy Christmas to u all in Oz! xx #mayyourbaublesneverfalloff
valeriemeachum: @Tom_In_Oz_ Those pics - Oooh, jealous! Enjoy it and have a Merry Christmas!
RussTov_FanSite: @valeriemeachum Well I've moved over to my other self...BTW happy appropriate seasonal greeting! Tom in Oz Tom in Oz Tom in Oz Tom in Oz
valeriemeachum: @RussTov_FanSite All seasonal greetings are appropriate in my world! Same to you. xoxo Guess you know better than to call me a ho? ;->
jaybs: @Tom_In_Oz_ Yes Happy Christmas Tom and to Liz and all Your Family, may it be special! John
Get_P_Here: Happy Christmas mate
Ishbel_Haf: @Tom_In_Oz_ Am I really talking to someone by a beach in Australia when I'm in the snowy UK or is this a bit of Christmas magic? Merry Christmas!!!
Theladyreed: @Tom_In_Oz_ Merry Christmas to you too good sir, hope its a beauty! X
Friendlymoocow: @Tom_In_Oz_ wow thats so beautiful! Thankyou, we have quite different christmasses :))
ianthomas74: @Tom_In_Oz_ sorry Tom, I didn't get anything.
ianthomas74: @Tom_In_Oz_ Merry Christmas Tom.
bluemoon1204: they are great pictures you're a very good photographer. Merry Christmas.
Michaelbosc: Hi Tom looked at the photos nice way to spend Christmas Day hope you enjoyed yourselves wishing you all a very Happy & Prosperous New Year
Bcgkelly: Thanks for the lovely photos. I had a dream it was warm outside. LOL Can’t seem to upload a pic using the Twitpic app on iPhone. Merry Xmas.
HorshamiteHarry: @Tom_In_Oz_ Merry Xmas to you. Good wishes for 2011.
Ajkemmy: @Tom_In_Oz_ Merry Christmas Sir and a very Happy New Year.
Tom_In_Oz_: @Scott_Arthur Here are 2 pics of my Xmas Day in Oz http://twitpic.com/3j9300 and http://twitpic.com/3j94uvScott_Arthur: @Tom_In_Oz_ Wow! Thats a world away from my White winter wonderland outside. Merry Xmas
Tom_In_Oz_: @Scott_Arthur yep we have a lovey 20 c day here near naked people on beach mmm

marcuswhitney1: Hi Tom , enjoy Xmas, and thanks for your messages. Chill and relax.
Tom_In_Oz_: @Foxfontaine you forget to wish me Merry Xmas so I can put it on the blog...is it too late??? Merry Xmas to you BTW.

Foxfontaine: @Tom_In_Oz_ Merry Xmas to you, new friend!!! Xxxx
Tom_In_Oz_: @Foxfontaine thanks for that will be blogged before bedtime....nothing like a good blog
*blog hard, blog often*
WDMDLD: @Tom_In_Oz_ Hope you had a great Christmas since your nearly a full day ahead of me.
fentonstevens: @Tom_In_Oz_ Merry Christmas from the uk. Despite the cricket! X
Tom_In_Oz_: My Twitter BFFs: @russelltovey @lionesskeeper @foxfontaine @valeriemeachum @thatbloodymikey @ishbel_haf Find yours @ http://twitterbffs.com
thatbloodyMikey: @Tom_In_Oz_ xxxx
Lionesskeeper: My Twitter BFFs @valeriemeachum @tom_in_oz_ @_veritasfilia @jaredofmo @willchurchill @beinghuman3. Find yours @ http://twitterbffs.com
Tom_In_Oz_: @Lionesskeeper xxxx mwah
Lionesskeeper: @Tom_In_Oz_ ^_^ Mwah xxxx
Above: photo sent by “Get_P_Here” in the UK.
Above: another in the long line of Jeffrey Bee graphics. Jeffrey runs the site "We Are Monsters" which features only characters from Being Human. Jeffrey's Twitter name is the first on the honour's list above "Degnne."
He’s creepy and he’s kooky…
ianthomas74: Just showed 'Roar' w/ @RussellTovey to my mum. It creeped her out. She says Russell scared her. :)
ianthomas74: @Tom_In_Oz_ @russelltovey mum said she doesn't like him anymore because he was so creepy. She still thinks he's cute though. Lol
ianthomas74: @Tom_In_Oz_ I find him to be charming and sexy. Kind and friendly. The perfect man.
ianthomas74: @Tom_In_Oz_ sorry Tom, I'd rather date Russell. :)
ianthomas74: @Tom_In_Oz_ hahaha.
Christmas cracker!
KnaveoG: Why was 6 afraid of 7 - because 7 8 9 #badcrackerjokes #tistheseason
KnaveoG: @Tom_In_Oz_ Your supposed to hash the jokes # to see if it trends?

*Article from The Guardian newsapaper re Russell Tovey appearing in “Poirot.” Russell was but a youngster named Lionel Marshall in “Evil Under The Sun.”*
Friday 24th Dec 2010
ITV's Poirot: still on the case after 22 years
Why are we still watching the long-running detective drama? Great mysteries, great casts, and a great star in David Suchet
When actor David Suchet appeared at Victoria station to film a documentary for ITV1, a young woman shrieked: "What are you doing here?" and, according to Suchet, "nearly fainted". A fanatical Agatha Christie fan, she was due to fulfil a lifetime's ambition of travelling on the Orient Express. As far as she was concerned, it was as if Poirot himself had shown up.
Suchet has worn the mustachioed Belgian detective's polished spats for 22 years now, starring in 65 films for ITV. On Christmas day ITV will broadcast his new version of Murder on the Orient Express, which returns to what Suchet calls the "spirit" of the original book. "Poirot makes few jokes in this compared with other books. This is about his sense of right and wrong … it is a journey onto Poirot's soul," he says.
This darker approach reflects the confidence of ITV1's leadership in a show which has lasted for 22 years, rates consistently highly and is sold to around 40 countries. But how can one explain its long-running TV success?
Clearly the stories and the character have something to do with it – Agatha Christie is not the world's bestselling author for nothing. Her 80 detective novels have sold more than 2bn copies and been translated in more than 100 languages. Poirot is the star of 33 novels and 54 short stories, including some of the best such as Murder on the Orient Express, The Murder of Roger Ackroyd and Death on the Nile.
And the setting also helps, says Karen Thrussel, producer of Murder on the Orient Express. "There are lots of reasons why it works, but when you combine a riveting story with the look of it – the wonderful nostalgic 1930s which is always visually brilliant – you get a good idea why they do so well."
And then there's Poirot himself. Allegedly inspired by some of the Belgian emigrés Christie met after the first world war, he is a brilliant, profoundly complicated character. Kind, with a love of elegance and precision he was also so maddeningly vain that Christie herself once wrote in the Daily Mail in 1938: "Why, why, why did I ever invent this detestable, bombastic, tiresome little creature?". She often tried to force him into retirement but was always persuaded by his many fans to bring him back. "What endears me to him is his endless love of people," says Suchet adding that, for all his faults, his vanity and his pedantry he is "one of the greatest listeners" in literature.
The casting of the TV adaptations has also always been impressive. Zoe Wanamaker, Tim Curry, David Soul, James Fox, Steve Pemberton, Lindsay Duncan, Mark Gatiss, Russell Tovey, have all appeared, as have Damien Lewis, John Hannah, Christopher Eccleston, Joe Absolom and Sarah Smart among 400 or so others, sometimes in hilariously unflashy roles such as chambermaids or butlers.
One clue as to the big star count is provided by Hugh Bonneville, a co-star on the Christmas instalment who explains that Suchet's "hospitality is legendary". "He always makes every actor welcome – he is famous for it which is why people always want to appear on it," he says. Still the general rule is that actors can appear only once in Poirot – which means a fresh start for each film.
The Clocks is already in the can for a broadcast next year and there are six more Poirot novels Suchet has not yet filmed. Another Poirot mystery, Dead Man's Folly, is currently being adapted by Nick Dear, and Suchet is determined to be in all the remaining ones, right up to Curtain, his last case. "He ages in that and by the end he is in a wheelchair – maybe I will be too, but I want to do it," says Suchet. Provided his "leetle grey cells" remain in working order you can bet that he probably will.
In the midst of Wynter:
DannyLeeWynter: Forgot how much I love Crocodile Dundee!! Brilliant silly film! Just planned an exhibition at the V&A for my return to London. How exciting!
AWOLTom: @DannyLeeWynter May I inquire if it's worth following you if you don't talk to followers...should I give up now?
DannyLeeWynter: @AWOLTom I wasn't aware I had any followers. Don't give up tho. No one should ever give up on anything
AWOLTom: @DannyLeeWynter BTW Crocodile Dundee one of the best slow building movies from Oz... That's not a knife........lol
…and just before we sign off look what breaking news has arrived…
SWH_2010: Jean talks like Russell Tovey.#EastEnders
JenHawkins87: Voyage of the Damned!! Russell Tovey! Yeah yeah! #DoctorWho
KingBeaArthur: @FUTURESTARdelux Well my true love is Russell Tovey. You attack him & I'll have Cheryl Cole standing outside your house singing live in 1hr!
TrophersThought: Watching Space's Dr.Who marathon Loving the epi with Kylie & Russell Tovey
DeejYuuh: The concept to the "Devil In A New Dress" video is taken from that short film ROAR with Russel Tovey
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