✿ Happy New Year ✿
Tom_In_Oz_: @boydhilton HNY and many more of them to come
boydhilton: @Tom_In_Oz_ happy new year!
Tom_In_Oz_: @boydhilton Thanks Boydy have a great night there xx 00 xx
Friendlymoocow: @RussTov_FanSite thankyou!! I hope everyone out there is still having a great time. :) have a great 2011!
mrjasonlor: @Tom_In_Oz_ A happy nude year in deed. I saw the new pics on your blog. I wonder what 2011 has in store for us. Hopefully more Russell.
Dodochicky: @Tom_In_Oz_ Hehe, a belated Happy New Year to you and Mrs Oz, sweetie! *big hugz* Hope 2011 will prove to be prosperous all year for you! :D
Tom_In_Oz_: @Dodochicky Hope you have a sip of something seasonally inappropriate for moi...we are waving sparklers in your general direction ohhh ah
Get_P_Here: @Tom_In_Oz_ HNY to you too tom. No night out for me I'm crook.
Lionesskeeper: @Tom_In_Oz_ Same to you Tom, Happy New Year 2011
boydhilton: Good fireworks London! You've all done very well. #happynewyear
angloirishgal: @Tom_In_Oz_ Happy New Year you character, you!! All the very best for '11..the fireworks display on the Thames was the best ever!!xxxx
Tom_In_Oz_: @angloirishgal Yes @boydhilton said they were very good too!
angloirishgal: @Tom_In_Oz_ Well I agree with @boydhilton ..I reckon they were better than the Millennium ones, loved the music synchronisation..go, Boris!xx

KilledByAShoe: @Tom_In_Oz_ I'm just so excited I love fireworks and party food...I'm seriously loving everyone right now!! Xx
KilledByAShoe: @Tom_In_Oz_ I will lol :) good advice for 2011 x
mrchrissullivan: Happy new year to all my Aussie friends - I hope you have an amazing one!! Xx
Ishbel_Haf: ******** HAPPY NEW YEAR! *********

Theladyreed: @Tom_In_Oz_ u too fella, hope you have a beaut NY, xx
Dorina335: @AWOLTom Whew..just bk home in time to wish u and urs a Wonderful Happy New Year Tom...xxxx
jaybs: @AWOLTom May 2011 for Liz, all The Family and of course Yourself be truly Special Tom! Happy New Year Best Wishes John
Bcgkelly: @AWOLTom thanks Tom. Not feeling the best today. Flu. Happy New Year to u and yours. B
maryxgrace: @Tom_In_Oz_ thank you :) Happy New Years to u too!
HorshamiteHarry: @Tom_In_Oz_ hi Tom. Nearly 2011. Here. Off to bed shortly. Knackered!!
Tom_In_Oz_: @HorshamiteHarry Happy New Year 20 mins for you I think!
HorshamiteHarry: @Tom_In_Oz_ it is. You too x
b3n_ifit: @RussTov_FanSite arg a long day in front ov a long night! happy new year tom
pirate_moose: @Tom_In_Oz_ Thanks :) HNY to you too!
JamesaFleet: @Tom_In_Oz_ My friend Harriet Walter is a dame. It makes me feel old.
Tom_In_Oz_: @JamesaFleet Well Jim better she a dame than you...H N Y to all at your end! Just finished the first lot of 9pm fireworks more at midnight over ocean out the front.
JamesaFleet: @Tom_In_Oz_ Happy New Year to you Tom. All the best for 2011.
Tom_In_Oz_: @JamesaFleet It's now 2am here 1-1-2011 about to pack it in gotta get up tomorrow...wait a min it is 2morrow! @russelltovey @marcuswhitney1
Foxfontaine: Happy New Year OMG YOU GUYS!!!!!
Tom_In_Oz_: @pirate_moose Tom from Oz big fan of both Alison & Russell went to Billericay in Nov 2010...they weren't home!! *fact*
kylelehane: HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE !!HOPE 2011 WILL BE A GR8 ONE!!!!!!!!!!!
Tom_In_Oz_: @kylelehane settle down and go to bed young man don't you make me come in there!!!
✿ Later on that same day / night ✿
Tom_In_Oz_: Are you guys all still up!!!?????
Lionesskeeper: @Tom_In_Oz_ Yup ^_^
Kylelehane: @Tom_In_Oz_ yep what time is it in oz???
Tom_In_Oz_: @kylelehane It's lunch time nomnomnomnom just having sandwich and latte coffee...
b3n_ifit: @Tom_In_Oz_ its only 5 p.m here
Tom_In_Oz_: @b3n_ifit Be sensible then and have a little rest now then go raging til all hours *just saying*!
b3n_ifit: @Tom_In_Oz_ oh no rest for the willing :)
Dorina335: @Tom_In_Oz_ Still up! but thinking I should go.to.bed...it's been a good one although not with family only friends.
Tom_In_Oz_: @Dorina335 Love this time of year...when people finally make an effort to be together etc...then it all slides for another 12 months...
kylelehane: @Tom_In_Oz_ now i'm hungry + bored watching tv dis is as good as it gets in Ireland
mrjasonlor: @Tom_In_Oz_ Yep. 7 more hours until new years in California. What's going on in OZ?
Tom_In_Oz_: @mrjasonlor The family Von Oz have been 4 a swim at the beach & a paddle...it's sunny, the sky is that blue you only get in Oz & HNY again.
Get_P_Here: @Tom_In_Oz_ just seen the trailer for being human series 3. It looks great unlike the American version which frankly looks shit!
Tom_In_Oz_: @Get_P_Here I will officially blog that, you are now "one of us," you have my blessings!!!
✿ Happy New Year for the Americas ✿
Tom_In_Oz_: Night UK
mrjasonlor: @Tom_In_Oz_ G night Oz
Tom_In_Oz_: @mrjasonlor No Jason I said goodnight to UK..Oz is nearly 2 in the afternoon on new year day...silly billy!
mrjasonlor: @Tom_In_Oz_ In that case. G Day Oz. LoL
Tom_In_Oz_: @mrjasonlor g'day mate, strike a light, and whatcha doin'?
Tom_In_Oz_: @mrjasonlor bless and enjoy!
mrjasonlor: @Tom_In_Oz_ Same for you mr. oz. you all enjoy the rest of the first day of 2011.
b3n_ifit: Yup I bought it http://yfrog.com/hsar3uj
Tom_In_Oz_: @b3n_ifit It's nice to see a gay man who likes a bit of "cat" every so often!!
b3n_ifit: @Tom_In_Oz_ Hahaha!
imjustanerd: @Tom_In_Oz_ Happy New Year Tom! Wishing you all the best for the new year! *hugs*
Deejrdee: @Tom_In_Oz_ happy new year tom hope everyone is still awake
Tom_In_Oz_: @Deejrdee it's only 15 mins to 6 dinner time here. Hope you are being good!!!
valeriemeachum: Three minutes to go, and we're ready for the toast! Happy 2011, Central time USA!
MathewParry: @RussTov_FanSite Thank you for providing this important service! Appreciate it.
Tom_In_Oz_: Happy New Year World...
✿ Happy Nude Year ✿
To mark the start of 2011 I've added a set of pictures that are gathered from Mr Tovey's various performances to date. This highlights package should satisfy the ardent Tovey admirers until the new season of "Being Human" starts in January 2011. Enjoy!
✿ The G rated section ✿
✿ The adults only section ✿
If you are offended by any of the following images of Mr Tovey taken mostly from the television show "Being Human" and wish to have them removed there is a comment box below where you may leave a request. My aim is not to offend or discourage fans from enjoying this site.

✿ Last minute discussion topics ✿
Teaslagle: @tres_michelle How big is your crush on Aidan Turner?
tres_michelle: @teaslagle Eh not so much. I'm a Russell Tovey girl.
benjaminfilonge: I love @russelltovey & I find it really weird that he's a fully fledged gay when watching #himandher. Your going out with gay Alan?
cimness: Do you think they backlight Russell Tovey on purpose so his ears will glow?
QueenAlbert2: so...watching Being Human season 1, and @Russelltovey has an adorable ass. just sayin'. he needs to watch himself if he ever comes to Ottawa
DragonJewel: @Tom_In_Oz_ HNY hun.....fab blog :)
spikej77: @Tom_In_Oz_ Thanks, Tom! HNY xx
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