Oz beckons…

mrchrissullivan: @russelltovey I miss you so much Mr.! Please come out here!!!x
KoyisPsionic: @mrchrissullivan @russelltovey I miss you bothhh! *tears* :P. How is One doing down under, Chris? :). X
Confidential_CC: @mrchrissullivan Hi Chris, last I wrote did I tell u I run a blog 4 Charlie Condou now?
Tom in Oz
mrchrissullivan: @Confidential_CC I saw - how do you manage it?
Confidential_CC: @mrchrissullivan the simple answer - I don't know!
Confidential_CC: @mrchrissullivan sending a long answer...in bits…hope it makes sense...
Confidential_CC: @mrchrissullivan To start with I told Charlie how much I thought his Tweets were funny etc and would be good to be blogged...
Confidential_CC: @mrchrissullivan I also fixed Charlie's avatar ...so from the start we have had a good working relationship...
Confidential_CC: @mrchrissullivan Charlie also corresponds with me "officially" so unlike Russell I get little questions answered on the blog....The Corrie Promotions people also helping & are on board!
Confidential_CC: @mrchrissullivan I approached Charlie and said if you trust me to do something similar to Russ's site I would...he jumped at the chance...
Confidential_CC: @mrchrissullivan The lovely parents of the twins that play Charlie's son on Corrie are also on board.
Confidential_CC: @mrchrissullivan I also think Charlie is a blokey role model who is gonna be diff to Russ because he is also a dad in real life... & you know I like to educate people…and breakdown stereotypes!
mrchrissullivan: @Confidential_CC ok cool- happy blogging!
Confidential_CC: @mrchrissullivan question: how is the Ozzie accent coming along???
mrchrissullivan: @Confidential_CC very well thanks!
guy_interruptd: @ALGonsalves @bainser @DannyBlahBlah We will have to get my old gang @mrchrissullivan and @russelltovey back there too :) #ColoursBasildon
DannyBlahBlah: @guy_interruptd @algonsalves @bainser @mrchrissullivan @russelltovey Essex, to the max. *LIKE* Let's do it!
bainser: @DannyBlahBlah @algonsalves @mrchrissullivan @russelltovey @guy_interruptd wahoo! *calls wings & books the royal minibus*
mrchrissullivan: @bainser @dannyblahblah @algonsalves @russelltovey @guy_interruptd oh my gays!! Colours??? Alright but I will need vodka intravenously!!! X
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plattyleeds : @guy_interruptd @ashmca @russelltovey need a new haircut guys....ideas Twitter?? xx
guy_interruptd: @plattyleeds @ashmca @russelltovey Don't ask me, I'm a 'ten quid at Mr. Toppers' kinda guy
frankiemorgan00: @russelltovey hey Russ I'm a new twitterete just finding my friends x hope u well x
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Kezz_RTvey_ESxB: @russelltovey gotmyfinalrehersal tomarbe4the realexam onthurs 4 Drama! Predicted A,an a goodluck from my faveactor EVER wouldbeamazing?:)xx
russelltovey: @Kezz_RTvey_ESxB break a leg x
russelltovey: BBC radio 6 in the mornings is a dream x
BBCChrisHawkins: @russelltovey Top man Russell. Thanks for the tweet!
londonplease: @russelltovey As a guest or a listener?
russelltovey: @londonplease listener.... And guest :-) x
jackd1985: @russelltovey Up early again Mr Tovey? (Good morning, btw) :-) x
russelltovey: via @GrabbersMovie lookie lookie... Exciting!!! X
weregeek: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1525366/ Looks like a mash-up of Father Ted, Shaun of the Dead and Slither. With @russelltovey
Marvo_Arni: @russelltovey Congratulations. I like your "George" glasses better, though. :-)

Danissosad: @russelltovey please follow or tweet me u inspired me to act and stick at it !!! X
russelltovey: @Danissosad :-) x keep going!
dawnjta: @russelltovey @GrabbersMovie Awesome. Is that out next year? xx
russelltovey: @dawnjta yep x
dawnjta: @russelltovey Cool, I shall put that on my "To see" list. :-) Hope you're well. xx
kizzymouse: @russelltovey I wish I'd known you were on the radio this morning damn I was up at 5:50 am too! :)
russelltovey: @kizzymouse I wasn't.... Panic over... I was a mere listener today :-) x
russelltovey: RT @GrabbersMovie: Posted 4 photos on Facebook in the album "Posters" http://fb.me/ySYfP6Ci

Tom_in_Oz_: @boydhilton are you off to set of Him & Her yet Mr H?

boydhilton: @Confidential_CC Friday

Tom_in_Oz_: @boydhilton thank u & please let me know some things 4 Mr Tovey's blog...1 or 2 would b great! A pic??? Anything topical.4 da blog! Ta Tom x

MatthewCainC4: Today's blog post - on why I think Eurovision's an obsolete embarrassment. Surely nobody disagrees with me...? http://bit.ly/lXOklX

Tom_In_Oz_: @MatthewCainC4 I don't come from Europe, & I agree with u, but when the others come to get u with pitchforks, just remember I can't save u !
mrchrissullivan: wow it's been a while tweeps! Hope all is well, just not much time online at the mo - but that will change - stay tuned!!xxx

russelltovey: @mrchrissullivan I miss team GB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! X
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