russelltovey: Coriander does my nut in, what a hideous little herb.. Who's with me? #makecorianderfuckoff x

demelza2: @russelltovey love coriander x

Tom_In_Oz_: Sybil ruins things too x RT @Wolfie_Rankin: @Tom_In_Oz_ @russelltovey I can't stand basil, basil ruins everything.

russelltovey: Whereas Rosemary... Oh Rosemary... The Dame Judy Dench of Herbs and spices... Long may you reign... X
ailsas: @russelltovey If Rosemary is Dame Judi Dench, then Oregano is William Shatner...slightly bitter, limited use, often associated w/ cheese.

russelltovey: Basil... Oh Basil... The rufty rufty Teddy bear herb, a kind of bedtime story reading grandfather... Dumbledore of the herbs and spices x

Tom_In_Oz_: @russelltovey RT @Jemzamia: Russell Tovey on Twitter continues to be a glorious gift from the comedy gods. Oh bless his cotton socks XD

russelltovey: Dill... Oh dill... The shrill fast speaking slightly natty best girlie mate of a herb... The Emily Blunt of the herbs and spices.. X
UkuleleKev: @russelltovey Looking at these tweets, it looks like you have been taking a different type of 'herb'
__ephios: @russelltovey Okay... now calmly step AWAY from the spice rack...

Tom_In_Oz_: SO TRUE XXXX RT @thmstein: @russelltovey surely without coriander, there wouldn't be Nandos?

russelltovey: Chives... Oh chives... Your slightly racist but kind to old people mate who always puts his hand in his pocket and sings when he's pissed x

russelltovey: Cumin... Oh cumin...... Hmmmmm x

russelltovey: Oregano... Oh oregano... The Spanish speaking power ballad playing softly as you sun bathe on a lilo off the coast of Sardinia in a thong x

Tom_In_Oz_: AGREE xxx RT @PTLeeDillon: I think @russelltovey has lost the plot. It was only a matter of thyme.

Sheridansmith1: Filming with @russelltovey is a joy & a curse! No one can make me laugh like he does & once I start I can't stop.Not good for serious scenes
realMLombard: @Sheridansmith1 oh no it's started already... Xx

russelltovey: @realMLombard ;-) x

russelltovey: @Sheridansmith1 what did you watch on tele last night? X

Scott_Arthur: @russelltovey What the hell are you taking Tovey!? Those herb tweets were pretty random.
LaurenGoodger: Need a new car what car shall I get?x

russelltovey: @LaurenGoodger a cab x
The Great Him & Her Herb Debate

THEKERRYHOWARD: @Sheridansmith1 @russelltovey he has me crying with laugher!

Solemani: @russelltovey no! Are you thinking of parsley? Coriander is aromatic, deep and sensuous. I bet you've enjoyed it without even realising.
Ralphwjbrown: @Solemani @russelltovey ah ! Spice rack ! You're like a gang of competitive time out readers at a gallery opening drinking free bubbly ? Que

Solemani: @Ralphwjbrown coriander must be respected at all times. fresh. ground. even as a decorative table piece. don't take the piss @russelltovey
Ralphwjbrown: @Solemani @russelltovey coriander is the empress of the people's republic of herb
Above: Please click picture to enlarge.
Mike Gallivan assitant producer of TV show Being Human gets his 5 mins of fame in the local Barry Island newspaper courtesy of my friend and supporter from Barry Island Miss @Soozles_

russelltovey: Holy shit! Just had a bloody nice Mars Bar x
RoniGrace: @russelltovey and the award for the most random tweet goes, once AGAIN, to TOVEY... X

bryony_gordon: @russelltovey was it deep fried?!x

russelltovey: @bryony_gordon ha ha ha :-) x

russelltovey: Holy Mars bar! Just had a bloody good shit x
Confidential_CC: @russelltovey I bet Cadbury choc are just lining up to get endorsements like that x

bryony_gordon: @russelltovey you're far too buff for deep fried! Xx

russelltovey: Only joking.. I haven't had a shit since 1994... X
LornaParrett: @russelltovey colostomy bag still working well then?

NoNoNannette30: @russelltovey *Blink* *Blink* TMI *Blink* *Blink* ;)
katigori: @russelltovey keeping the twitter classy since 2011 :D
Pinkypunkster: Oh my wordy pants!!! It could be the 4 voddys I had but seem to giggle more at #himandher more now than ever love @Solemani @russelltovey :)

Solemani: thank you @Pinkypunkster @russelltovey 4 voddys will do it!

THEKERRYHOWARD: @Solemani your picture is beautiful x

russelltovey: @THEKERRYHOWARD wowsers! Has she pissed herself? X

THEKERRYHOWARD: @russelltovey I have a little wet patch of piss in my knickers. My BBC meeting is gonna be smelly x
KevinLehane: OK, is everyone following me also following @russelltovey? If not, you should. He has no shame. Follow him!

russelltovey: @KevinLehane cheers Kevin... I think... X
LittleVH: @russelltovey @Solemani Just had a him & her moment with my toaster !

russelltovey: @LittleVH :-) x

Bennielawrence: @Charliecondou congratulations on the baby news that's amazing !! Xx

Tom_In_Oz_: @Bennielawrence did you see all the tweets http://charlie-corrie-condou.blogspot.com/

Bennielawrence: @Tom_In_Oz_ I've seen great work xx

Tom_In_Oz_: @Bennielawrence I blog for two amazing boys @Charliecondou and @russelltovey My job is easy because both are so well loved by all x

Bennielawrence: @Tom_In_Oz_ @charliecondou @russelltovey yeah there both very sweet im lucky to know them both xx
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