Olliestweet: @russelltovey Hey Russell, how you doing? Just wondering do you have any private way of contacting you, we have a small idea! Thanks x
russelltovey: @Olliestweet dm me x
Olliestweet: So happy the amazing, fantastic Russell Tovey followed me :D MY YEAR IS MADE!!
MatthewCainC4: If you had enough money to fund a piece of theatre, what kind of play would you invest in?
russelltovey: @MatthewCainC4 the life story of Deborah Cocks using the music of Deborah Cocks? X
Sheridansmith1: Argh!!! That was amazing! Jus got a shout out on Magic! :D I'm sat on my own & I actually screamed haha thank you @MagicJamie & Paul Phear x
russelltovey: @Sheridansmith1 how the fuck?? I love Magic FM x
russelltovey: I have a love/hate relationship with my hoover x
TMarkstahler: @russelltovey Could we have a bit more information about the "love" part of your relationship with said Hoover? Photos would be appreciated!
gavpwill: @russelltovey watching Being Human Season 1 on UKTV Australia :) #UKTV #beinghuman
Sheridansmith1: The maddest thing is I woke myself up at 3am crying with laughter.Not sure what I found so funny.Then went back to sleep & had a bad one :(
russelltovey: @Sheridansmith1 'it's a cold' x
Sheridansmith1: @russelltovey hope u had lovely break. Now let's get that lab jacket on & hit soho. I've missed those swellings x
russelltovey: @Sheridansmith1 Big time... This week? Next week? Let me know your bowel movements x
bossbell: @russelltovey opening night of the wedding singer in sheffield by splinters. can we get a good luck from ya? cheers x
russelltovey: @bossbell break legs xx
AWOLTom: @Charliecondou here is Mark's first draft freehand of you before all the CGI work to make you a werewolf - Tom in Oz
Charliecondou: @AWOLTom Very good!
TMarkstahler: @AWOLTom HOLY SKETCH!!! That's fantastic!!! @MarkMMerrett is incredibly talented. AMAZERING!!!
AWOLTom: @Charliecondou all the freehand stuff is on a very large scale before CGI rendering - lots of parts to it x
AWOLTom: @MarkMMerrett @TMarkstahler am about to send out a RT from Charlie Condou he's got your preliminary drawing he’s already onboard x
MarkMMerrett: @AWOLTom @TMarkstahler Excuse the language as you don't like swearing but FUCK YEAH!!!! And
Tom_In_Oz_: @TMarkstahler saw a plastic doll kinda like a baby or maybe it was a baby didn't see it for long *weird again* made no sense
TMarkstahler: @Tom_In_Oz_ There's no baby or plastic doll in my life or anywhere near me. I'll have a good think about it but guess vision wasn't about me
Tom_In_Oz_: @MarkMMerrett had couple of visions tonight but can't pin them on u or TM. Doll in a bonnet, hotdog toy like a Disney thing & matchbox car
MarkMMerrett: @Tom_In_Oz_ ........... I got voodoo dolls one has a bonnet like head thing, got a keyring car on my pc and a hotdog sausage toy
Tom_In_Oz_: @MarkMMerrett I saw the bonnet doll thing earlier & thought it was 4 @TMarkstahler but hey if all 3 things are yours...?
Tom_In_Oz_: @MarkMMerrett why I keep seeing odd little glimpses into your lives is a mystery but fun @TMarkstahler will be pleased to know!!!
MarkMMerrett: @Tom_In_Oz_ @TMarkstahler Gonna upload the pics of them, give me a sec
MarkMMerrett: @Tom_In_Oz_ @TMarkstahler pic 1
Tom_In_Oz_: @MarkMMerrett @TMarkstahler this is FILTH, it's porn!!! That's TM's little sausage, his saveloy?
MarkMMerrett: @Tom_In_Oz_ @TMarkstahler Lol, now watch TM unfollow and block you
TMarkstahler: @MarkMMerrett @tom_in_oz_ Unfollowed, blocked and reported, Tom!!!
Tom_In_Oz_: @TMarkstahler @MarkMMerrett Love you too TM *blocked in return*
MarkMMerrett: @Tom_In_Oz_ @TMarkstahler pic 2
Tom_In_Oz_: The doll thing I saw was in a yellowish colour dress with flowers and had a bonnet but the other things *spot on* with what I saw @TMarkstahler @MarkMMerrett
Tom_In_Oz_: @MarkMMerrett maybe . . .@TMarkstahler dresses "little tommy" in pretty yellow clothes with a bonnet and pretends he is a real boy x
TMarkstahler: @MarkMMerrett @tom_in_oz_ No, I like to dress up like one. I have this beautiful yellow floral dress and that nifty little hat and... wait..
TMarkstahler: @MarkMMerrett @tom_in_oz_ ...did I just send that? Can I delete that? NOOOOOOOOO!!!
Wolfie_Rankin: @Tom_In_Oz_ @MarkMMerrett @TMarkstahler There are plushies of me, you squeeze them and they fart.
Tom_In_Oz_: @Wolfie_Rankin @MarkMMerrett @TMarkstahler so just like the real thing then?
Wolfie_Rankin: @Tom_In_Oz_ @MarkMMerrett @TMarkstahler Yes, pretty much.
TMarkstahler: @Tom_In_Oz_ @wolfie_rankin @markmmerrett Oh Tom, you don't want to get Wolfie angry...
Wolfie_Rankin: @Tom_In_Oz_ @MarkMMerrett @TMarkstahler My tummy is full, all is well, very docile.
FoxyLorri64: Back from brisk county walk, the geese are feeding on the field here :0)
Tom_In_Oz_: @FoxyLorri64 and you in your white linen piny lol
FoxyLorri64: @Tom_In_Oz_ lol I do wear a piny in my domestic job at Nursing home…
Tom_In_Oz_: @FoxyLorri64 funny isn't it I had a mental pic of u in a white linen piny & I have no idea what you do in your real life away from the farm
FoxyLorri64: @Tom_In_Oz_ that is stranger then strange! lol you have special powers Sir Tom! :0O :0) xxx
TMarkstahler: @Tom_In_Oz_ @markmmerrett And I have an update on doll with yellow dress and bonnet, Tom. My girlfriend had Teddybear with that outfit
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