MatthewCainC4: With @russelltovey - twins raiding the dressing up box!
Tom_In_Oz_: @MatthewCainC4 @russelltovey lol looking like circus performers - ring master and the lady who rides the white horse bareback x
MarkMMerrett: @Tom_In_Oz_ @MatthewCainC4 @russelltovey Wish I could join you, I got a pretty pink/black wig somewhere around the house I could have worn x
WhoGuru: @MatthewCainC4 @russelltovey Please tell me there's going to be a showtune involved here! Something from Penzance I think! :D
Tom_In_Oz_: @MatthewCainC4 @russelltovey me and my brother (not twins) but mum dressed us like we were - this is 1963 - me on left
MatthewCainC4: Here's a photo of my beautiful Princess Nelly - listening to her favourite Tina Turner on a nice slow Saturday!
russelltovey: @MatthewCainC4 she's our little girl x
russelltovey: Just ate three brioche with ham and cheese and six mini pickles... Strike me down x
boydhilton: @russelltovey hot, but I would have thought Sir Ian would've gone to more trouble... xx
robbieanthony87: @russelltovey aaw did u have anything 2 drink with it
russelltovey: @robbieanthony87 cloudy lemonade x
JKCorden: All packed and ready!
russelltovey: @JKCorden omg!!!! X
MatthewCainC4: Went to huge M&Ms store on Leicester Sq to buy present for my twin @russelltovey but was so packed + hideous had to leave. Shop horror!
JonathonMarx: @russelltovey Dammit Russell! Why do you always go to the Duke and talk to my mates when I'M not there! x
Stevo_Halo: @russelltovey u looked hot in rupert street yesterday, gym really payin off for ya
MatthewCainC4: Had amazing evening in Ian McKellen's new pub The Grapes in Limehouse. Fantastic party and had best fish and chips EVER!
RussTov_FanSite: @jamesmoran James is Towerblock due for release around March next year all being well?
jamesmoran: @RussTov_FanSite Nothing is decided until the post production is closer to finishing, as far as I know. But that sounds possible.
RussTov_FanSite: @jamesmoran thank you for ur reply - a couple of fans have asked - best wishes, Tom
jamesmoran: @RussTov_FanSite As soon as I know and am allowed to say, I'll be shouting it from the rooftops!
russelltovey: @Actornabil hello mate! All golf here.. You good? X
Actornabil: @russelltovey All groooooovy here! We should get together w/ McKay or @Sheridansmith1 for a wee cup of tea soon!
AubreyEMiller: @tommacwriter Saw your tweets on Tom in Oz's Tovey blog....he seems to think, like me, that one day you will be massive in the biz x
![Tom MacRae](
tommacwriter: @AubreyEMiller Cheers!
![Tom MacRae](
tommacwriter: @Gourounlian @MissRedPeril @siobhanhewlett @camdengiles @russelltovey @MatthewCainC4 ta-dah!!!
Tom_In_Oz_: Sure make you look dignified and smart.... all the better to see pussy with (Oi! Keep it clean!) @tommacwriter
russelltovey: @tommacwriter really hot!!!!!! X
Tom_In_Oz_: Hi Josie have you been teasing @Tommacwriter again? I know you love him more than toast and kittens!
MissRedPeril: @Tom_In_Oz_ he's the best gay husband a gal could wish for. PS. I like dogs.
Goslingsawagrin: @MissRedPeril @Tom_In_Oz_ I dont get it
Tom_In_Oz_: @Goslingsawagrin move to a different street corner and then the trade is bound to pick up *you’ll get it more often*
MissRedPeril: @Goslingsawagrin @Tom_In_Oz_ Now I'm getting confused...
russelltovey: En route en vogue x
russelltovey: Head like a tool box x
Sarah_P82: @russelltovey I'm still drunk!x
russelltovey: @Sarah_P82 me too!!!! Good to see you x
Rough as a *pidgeons anus
(*Russell spelt it that way don’t blame me)
russelltovey: Got up early to go to the gym. Still a bit rock and roll drunk. Realised work out is at 1. Detour. Now having an omelette x
FJC85: @russelltovey good to see you last night mate
drchrishilton: @russelltovey Rough here too after messy night w @dredbeveridge. Wd have said hi (+bye to @MatthewCainC4) but you were in 'deep discussion'!
dredbeveridge: @drchrishilton @russelltovey @matthewcainc4 don't blame me ;-)
drchrishilton: @dredbeveridge @russelltovey @matthewcainc4 Ah, but the thing is... I do. It's clearly all your fault. Personally I rarely touch a drop.
russelltovey: Already taken a bite... But isn't this simply perfect? X
Tom_In_Oz_: @russelltovey it's 7:30pm in Oz so we are now tucking into the . . .
NeatFreak_: @Tom_In_Oz_ @russelltovey If you eat 10lbs of almonds you'll die of arsenic poisoning... *goes off to make almond pie for hubby* :)))
eyt123: @russelltovey What is that? Seriously. Watched the football him and her last night. Amazing.
russelltovey: @eyt123 omelette. You have good Taste :-) x
fullanarchy: I love it that @russelltovey puts a kiss at the end of all his tweets. It is SO CUTE.
russelltovey: @fullanarchy x
MarkWright_: Filming again. Who's looking 4ward 2 the 1st ep of series 3 on sunday night ? 10:15pm itv2
russelltovey: @MarkWright_ hell yes!
jamiebhoy109: @russelltovey got told I look like a fatter ugllier version of you last night, I don't see it to be honest!
russelltovey: @jamiebhoy109 hot x
IaninHolland: @russelltovey it must be a good caff u got there!
russelltovey: @IaninHolland it'd the best!!! X
russelltovey: Uh oh.... Back to bed for an hour... Rough as a pidgeons anus this morn... x
Below: Preliminary layout by @MarkMMerrett of London for a werewolf CGI tableau incorporating Charlie Condou, Russell Tovey, Sinead Keenan, Tom Markstahler and Tom in Oz.
13lonewerewolf: @Tom_In_Oz_ I keep on repeating myself but it must be said THANKS
WheresWalles: @13lonewerewolf @Tom_In_Oz_ I second the motion!!
Tom_In_Oz_: Big thanks babe @WheresWalles hope the shoot was smooth x
WheresWalles: @Tom_In_Oz_ it went fine thanks! I'm looking forward to next week, I'm expecting good things...:) Hope your family are doing well xx
Tom_In_Oz_: @WheresWalles my grand bub & daughter on way today for visit, brother that had heart attack is well, dad had no reaction to first chemo x
WheresWalles: @Tom_In_Oz_ yay, things are on the up on both sides of the world! Glad to hear it! X
Tom_In_Oz_: @WheresWalles am still amazed that these vision things are kicking in for lots of other twitter folk, my wife wants me 2 follow it through
Tom_In_Oz_: @MarkMMerrett @TMarkstahler just had tweet in from @WheresWalles he is such an energetic guy wish I could bottle him *make-a-fortune*
WheresWalles: @Tom_In_Oz_ @MarkMMerrett @TMarkstahler Haha you scare me Tom, I was just tweeting you about how I overdid it in trampolining class today!!
MarkMMerrett: @Tom_In_Oz_ @TMarkstahler @WheresWalles Remember you saying you had accurate visions of him before
WheresWalles: @MarkMMerrett @Tom_In_Oz_ @TMarkstahler he has done Mark, on several's awe-inspiring stuff!
MarkMMerrett: @Tom_In_Oz_ @TMarkstahler So @WheresWalles is doing good then?
WheresWalles: @MarkMMerrett @Tom_In_Oz_ @TMarkstahler Walles is doing great, thank you! And having Tom on my side makes me feel invincible!!
MarkMMerrett: @WheresWalles @Tom_In_Oz_ @TMarkstahler Well let me add to the positivity then by wishing great success
MarkMMerrett: @WheresWalles @Tom_In_Oz_ @TMarkstahler His visions are very impressive, he had some about my lucky pencil, my nan and her clock
WheresWalles: @MarkMMerrett @Tom_In_Oz_ @TMarkstahler I know, I love it! Sometimes I get tweets from him & actually look around to see if he's in the room!
MarkMMerrett: @WheresWalles @Tom_In_Oz_ Well me and @TMarkstahler have suspected he has surveillance cameras following us before
Tom_In_Oz_: @MarkMMerrett @WheresWalles @TMarkstahler LUCKILY 4 me I don't have a surveillance camera - you boys would scare me with what you get up to
MarkMMerrett: @Tom_In_Oz_ @WheresWalles @TMarkstahler Yes we would *pulls hand out of underware*
Tom_In_Oz_: @MarkMMerrett @TMarkstahler had major visions with @WheresWalles he started me off & made me feel secure enough to tell others about visions
WheresWalles: @MarkMMerrett @Tom_In_Oz_ @TMarkstahler thanks a million, I am so empowered and rejuvenated by the kindness of my Twitter family xx
MarkMMerrett: @WheresWalles @Tom_In_Oz_ @TMarkstahler No prob mate, always love making new twitter friends ;-) Just ignore my spelling mistakes please
Tom_In_Oz_: Mark the people who follow me are all non-judgemental so stop worrying & break free #DadSaysSo! @WheresWalles @MarkMMerrett @TMarkstahler
MarkMMerrett: @Tom_In_Oz_ @WheresWalles @TMarkstahler Hehe I will now I have been told by daddy ;-)
MatthewCainC4: Buying baby clothes for friend who's had identical twins. Do I go for matching outfits or do we think that's wrong now? It would be so cute!
MatthewCainC4: Went for matching outfits for twins in end but in different colours. Hope this is happy compromise!
Tom_In_Oz_: @MatthewCainC4 how come then we never see you and twin sister @russelltovey in matching outfits - practise what ye preach! xxx
russelltovey: @ShentonStage Mikey Rooney is 91??? X
russelltovey: Seems like I wasn't the only who couldn't sleep last night? X
Philmahbocks: @russelltovey morning baby...hope your day s sparkling and filled with love and plenty of smiles and liquor. Mwah xxx
russelltovey: @Philmahbocks hey! Morning x
RachelSimpson82: @russelltovey Hey. It's my birthday today. Please can I get a shout out and a #FF ? x
russelltovey: @RachelSimpson82 happy rachel day x
russelltovey: Lingua Latina res amplas facit videri x
MLPasterisk: @russelltovey Mother London. Yes, I googled it. :0)
suetilley1: Just got a heavenly rose hair band from Selfridges to wear to my niece's wedding! The eccentric spinster aunt has to look good!!!
Tom_In_Oz_: @suetilley1 which do your prefer eccentric, spinster or aunt?
suetilley1: @Tom_In_Oz_ I think all 3 are fabulous!!
Tom_In_Oz_: @suetilley1 I like eccentric myself but in our climate it just doesn't seem right hard to be eccentric here in Oz
russelltovey: @alancarr is a phenomenally funny man... Completely my sense of humor on every level... Common x
AlanCarr: @russelltovey well excuse me!!! Ha ha thank you so much for coming. I'll refund you for the parking xxxx
russelltovey: @AlanCarr lovely Mr A x :-)
MarkMMerrett: @russelltovey @AlanCarr Two of my fav men <3
Olliestweet: @russelltovey @AlanCarr So the parking price did turn out for the best! x
Mavro_Arni: @russelltovey Cuddly!
mrchrissullivan: @MatthewCainC4 enjoy- say hello to Madge for me!! X
russelltovey: Just been doing a photoshoot for Mr Porter online in an actual crack den.. Mattress, needle ends, gas vials, the works.. Hot right? X
Rita_Maid: @russelltovey Aspirational.
russelltovey: @Rita_Maid ha ha ha x
tjlaverty: @russelltovey yeh....its a total turn on....
russelltovey: @tjlaverty ;-) innit x
russelltovey: I think I may have 'man-scaped' too much... :-/ x
russelltovey: @ Wembley Arena about to watch Alan Carr spout his magic timings... Well excited... So excited I was prepared to pay £22.50 for parking!!! X
russelltovey: I mean? That is simply robbery... But anyway... Alan Carr yay! X
MatthewCainC4: Off to Wembley to see @alancarr with my twin @russelltovey - can't wait! Just wish I wasn't wearing a suit!
russelltovey: @MatthewCainC4 where is my twin??? X
MatthewCainC4: Had a brilliant evening with my twin @russelltovey in the company of the hilarious @alancarr at Wembley. I feel just that little bit camper!
russelltovey: RT @TimothyTimney: @russelltovey some guy did a drunken shit on my friends @njcartz bed. Can we get a RT. #ShitInTheBed
healingmachine: @russelltovey After that retweet, I don't think anything ever needs saying on the internet again. #winning
russelltovey: RT @EmmaGalt: @TimothyTimney @russelltovey the guy in the flat opposite me shit himself in the hall on the first day of freshers #shitinthebed-ish
russelltovey: Who else has ever shit the bed? X #shitthebed
MarkMMerrett: @russelltovey Lovely conversation, you’re a class act Mr. Tovey ;-)
Tom_In_Oz_: @russelltovey *crickets chirp*
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