russelltovey: RT @bigtalk: New Him & Her tonight with 'The Rollover' Shelly's Feeling Lucky #himandher 10:30pm on @bbc3tv
WheresWalles: Learning script 4 casting2 while waiting 2 go 2 casting 1, & hoping 4 confirm on tomorrows pencil...big wheels keep on turning, #singittina!
TMarkstahler: @WheresWalles Break a leg!!! :-)x
Tom_In_Oz_: @WheresWalles that song about Proud Mary the USA riverboat was my fave Tina Turner track! The song has some great lyrics...BTW woo-hoo 2 U
WheresWalles: @Tom_In_Oz_ love it too!
MarkMMerrett: @WheresWalles Give it all you got mate
WheresWalles: @MarkMMerrett aye aye cap'n!
WheresWalles: Pencil confirmed & one casting to go. Squeezing in a quick workout then back to workshopping the script before I meet the production co. Go!
GeordieNorta: Whoop Tuesday fish and chips + #himandher night! My GF always gets randy when @russelltovey dry humps @Solemani from behind #LoveTuesdays

russelltovey: @GeordieNorta @Solemani Hot x
GeordieNorta: @russelltovey hot indeed mate - when we’re getting busy on a Tuesday she always grabs my ears - dunno why

russelltovey: RT @bbccomedy: #HimandHer is on @BBC3tv tonight at 10.30. This ep is called The Rollover, so I want to know what's your lucky number? bbc.in/tb01JH
Voulez-vous Poulet avec moi?

russelltovey: Please help nominate my dear incredible friend Olivia Poulet at awards.whatsonstage.com/nominate for her stonking performance in Top Girls.. Thanks x
amyloutweets: @russelltovey I saw Olivia in Top Girls earlier in the year, she was absolutely amazing. I'll certainly go & nominate her, she deserves it!

russelltovey: @amyloutweets I agree!!!! x
iOllieCorbett: @russelltovey just voted for her :) x

russelltovey: @iOllieCorbett Great!! x
albillspencer: @russelltovey ONLY if you tweet me & no RT. a genuine real tweet.

russelltovey: @albillspencer Hello this is a genuine tweet x x :-)
jadorerallam: @russelltovey I LOVE OLIVIA POULET, NOMINATINGGGG!!!!! :) X

russelltovey: @jadorerallam Woo-hoo! x

88tickets: @russelltovey bring me back a nice venetian blind will ya

russelltovey: @88tickets Classic GB x

russelltovey: En route to Venice... En Garde!! X

russelltovey: Tonight... Won't be just any night... Tonight is episode 5 of #himandher 10.30 @bbc3tv isn't that wonderous? X x
ActuallyLilu: Hey russell! :( @russelltovey I'm sick and just got out of the hospital, please reply me to make my day better? :D xx

russelltovey: @ActuallyLilu get well soon x
saint69blue: @russelltovey i keep askin you if uve done a third series, i know youre drowning in fans but a simple yea or no wud be nice

russelltovey: @saint69blue of what? Being Human yes it was on last year, him and her no
saint69blue: @russelltovey him and her. Why not surely theres loads more you could do with all the characters
CraigColtonUK: @russelltovey I just love watching Him and Her!

russelltovey: @CraigColtonUK cheers mate! X
PJT49: @russelltovey so chuffer than Duffer didn't suffer, I bet so is your muffer, I think he's buffer, ruffer & tuffer, I think I'm in luffer x

russelltovey: @PJT49 amazing!!!!!! :-) x
jacob_senior: @russelltovey Your the funniest man on tv at the moment !

russelltovey: @jacob_senior bless you sir x
Russell Tovey has been booked
russelltovey: RT @charljohn: About to film an episode of booked with @RobBrydon and @russelltovey, not a bad start to the week

russelltovey: Rob Brydon interview for Sky arts 'Booked' done and on this Sunday 4.30.. Its a great autobiography and hopefully a good interview x
boydhilton: Ken Russell memory: him shouting "bloody idiots!" from the back of the room at South Bank Show Award winners of whom he didn't approve
russelltovey: @boydhilton I remember that too and recall it was to do with Little Britain x
boydhilton: @russelltovey it was! Amazing times. x
russelltovey: RT @hotpatooties: R u an Orange customer?If so please vote for @BigBoyler SHORT LIST HIM FOR A BAFTA. RT the hell outta this link! http://t.co/y8MC5qU7
russelltovey: RT @Foxfontaine: BBC3 9pm tonight. Love on the Transplant List http://t.co/I0o6yeGT
russelltovey: RT @charljohn: @russelltovey oops, its actually for More4, 4.40pm on Sunday and the episode is called Rob Brydon:Booked
midath72: @russelltovey I just walked past you, carrying flowers! *waves*
FX4550: The VERY edible Russell Tovey

russelltovey: Duffer of Billericay lives to see another day.. Back home with steroid injection and stable for now x :-)
MatthewCainC4: @russelltovey Oh I'm so pleased my twin! And I can't wait to tell our little girl!
THEKERRYHOWARD: @russelltovey yay!!!!!three cheers for Duffer! X
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