Liam_Dalton: My bday dream would be
getting a birthday wish from @SarahMillican75 @mermhart @russelltovey @mfhorne
@jopage_ @JoeyEssex_ or @ollyofficial

russelltovey: @Liam_Dalton happy b
day Liam x

russelltovey: Terribly sad to hear
that the contemporary artist Mike Kelley has committed suicide in his LA
home... its a huge loss :-( x

DJIanHarris: @russelltovey could I
get a retweet from one of your biggest fans on my 40th today?

russelltovey: @DJIanHarris Happy
40th!!!!! x

Above: Mr. Tovey’s dressing room sign for the play ‘Sex With A Stranger.’
TMarkstahler: @russelltovey BREAK A
LEG!!! I'm sure you'll be brilliant tonight!!! :-)x
BoyVirginiaMade: @russelltovey Break
legs tonight! #sexwithastranger is going to be awesome. I know it!
88tickets: @russelltovey Good luck GB
- don't forget - breath in!
edwardclarke: @russelltovey Break a
leg! :-) I'm there on Friday - can't wait!
FoxyLorri64: morning @russelltovey
you'll be brilliant! #SexWithAStranger 'Break a leg!' (ouch) lol xx

Yummerz: Am sure I just walked past @russelltovey near
Trafalgar square, totally gutted if it was!! ='(
russelltovey: @Yummerz you
probably did x

russelltovey: Started to get addicted
to 'snack-a-jacks' will someone inform me this is ok if enjoyed as part of a
balanced diet? X

russelltovey: Ok then... Caramel
snack-a-jacks are my bitch x huzzah!

russelltovey: RT @Steevil: I going
out tonight to have sex with @russelltovey I think thats what the ticket
says anyway. I also have a spare seat if anyone wants.

russelltovey: RT @SueTerryVoices: BEING
HUMAN: SERIES 4 HAS ARRIVED! Fourth series starring @russelltovey and
Lenora Crichlow, Sunday 9pm on BBC 3.

DanielClancy: @russelltovey Tovester,
Can you send my friend @ninjastacey one of your 'x's please? #muchlove

russelltovey: @NinjaStacey x :-) x

NinjaStacey: @DanielClancy damn,
now I can't use my 'it was the Tovester or you...I chose wisely' gag. 'x'

russelltovey: First preview of #sexwithastranger tonight wittys... Oooooooooo... That'll be nerves then x
Julie_Atherton: @russelltovey sending
condoms and lube! Xxxx

aBoywithaBeard: would anyone recommend watching #HimandHer I can't decide whether to download… i do love a bit of @russelltovey

Swldn: @aBoywithaBeard @russelltovey it is very funny, it's fab #loveit

aBoywithaBeard: @Swldn @russelltovey i'm getting an error on iTunes..! it won't even let me download! #ffs i'll download tomorrow instead...

Swldn: @aBoywithaBeard @russelltovey defo a keeper

aBoywithaBeard: @Swldn @russelltovey do you think our messages back and forth are annoying Russ? hehe… I wonder if he will tell me to download…? Russ…?

russelltovey: @aBoywithaBeard download! ;-) x
be days when you’d just go ‘I can’t do it anymore, I can’t play this anymore
and keep it up’
The Big
Interview: Russell Tovey
First published: 01 Feb
“I bumped into someone the other day
who is doing a play and getting a bit stir-crazy on it and they reminded me of
a story I told them about when I was in New York,” Russell Tovey tells me
laughing, recalling his days on Broadway with The History Boys. “I would
fantasise about getting stabbed on the subway so I’d get a couple of shows off.
Not a fatal wound, just a surface wound would be enough to get me hospitalised
for a few days.”
This story is characteristic of
Tovey’s refreshingly honest and unselfconscious disposition. During our chat
that takes place in 30 stolen minutes from Tovey’s packed schedule, the Being
Human actor also reveals a talent for storytelling to rival Jackanory. It’s a
case of life imitating art then that Tovey has found himself playing characters
equally as frank and upfront. In the BBC’s grimy sitcom Him & Her,
Tovey and co-star Sarah Solemani give the most naturalistic, realistic, body
odour and grabby hands-included performance. Now Tovey is starring in the
series’ writer Stefan Golaszewski’s new play Sex With A Stranger.
“I can’t wait. I cannot wait.” Tovey
tells me with a habitually dramatic tone when I ask whether he’s excited to be
returning to the stage after a three year hiatus. A love of theatre aside – “My
dream would be to do a play a year” – the chance to work with Golaszewski was a
big part of the incentive to take some time off from screen work, which has
recently seen him appearing in Sherlock and Doctor Who, and spend a month at
the Trafalgar Studios 2. “Stefan said I’ve got this play I’ve written, I want
you to do it, so I said ‘Absolutely, let’s make that work’. I really feel
like it’s an exciting relationship that I’m building up with him.”
still discovering what type of kissing it is."
For Him & Her fans, the play
should tick all the boxes, tackling the subject Golaszewski is making waves for
exploring, a celebration of the average. “It’s kind of the mediocrity of
being 20-something and it doesn’t really glamourise that period of one’s life.
There’s definitely a parallel with the tone of Him & Her.”
We can expect then that Sex With A
Stranger will be both painfully and wittily observant, and that there will
probably be more than your average quota of physical contact. As Tovey
confirms, there’s already been lots of it in rehearsals. “It’s kind of odd,
you’re just standing there kissing and there’s a room full of people just
watching you. You have to bite the bullet and you have to make sure that you
feel like you trust the other people you’re working with.” But, as Tovey tells
me, amused by the intellectual tone we’re taking when discussing, well,
snogging, it’s not quite as simple as one might think. “We’re still discovering
what type of kissing it is. There are so many different ways of kissing which
you don’t really think about, you just do your kissing and you get kissed back,
but when you’re playing a different character who feels insecure or
uncomfortable or confident or there’s hidden agendas...” Cue quick pause to
break into laughter again, “as in the words of Cher, ‘It’s in his kiss.’”
As Tovey’s co-star Jaime Winstone,
who he describes as “a dream”, laughs in the background, the actor is keen to
impress the seriousness of the play. “It feels like we’re making something
that’s not really covered in art, this kind of dead period that people have in
their 20s” While ‘dead period’ may sound slightly depressing to anyone
successfully making their way through a decade which can equally be quite a lot
of fun, it’s undeniable that Golaszewski will hit a nerve with numerous people
when it comes to Tovey’s character, who he describes as “an average guy. I
think he’s reached the point where he just wants something exciting to happen
in his life.”
His way out of a safe but boring
relationship is to have a one-night stand, a solution that doesn’t quite live
up to the glamour Hollywood would have us believe. But it is something that
Tovey himself can relate to. “The way this play works is you’ve got three sides
to the way people conduct themselves with other people in a relationship or
sexually. I can probably vouch for every single side. I’ve been in the position
of settling and not having the balls to break a pattern, I’ve been the person
who is in denial and pretending everything’s great, I’ve been the person who
has had quite low self-esteem, I’ve been the person who’s been a bit cocky with
it and cool.”

But for Tovey, his 20s are a thing of
the past having celebrated his 30th birthday last year, a fact he’s pleased
surprises most people. “I feel like I own 30! I suddenly, in a weird way, feel
more adult. Also the reaction to it from most people is ‘You’re 30? You don’t
look 30’, so I have the maturity but youthful, moisturised skin on my side.” He
must have sidestepped the ‘dead period’, I suggest, knowing he’d already forged
a successful career before reaching the milestone. Tovey tentatively agrees, “I
really feel like I’m secure in what I’m doing and it’s kind of going the way I
want it to go which is brilliant.”
Tovey’s breakthrough moment, like many
of the other seven young actors cast in the show, came in the National
Theatre’s runaway hit The History Boys. While Tovey freely admits to having
been “hysterical” having to perform it so many times, he also fully knows how
lucky he was to have been involved. “There’d be days when you’d just go
‘I can’t do it anymore, I can’t play this anymore and keep it up’, and being
homesick because we were all still quite young. But on the other hand we were
absolutely living the dream.
“The first preview was the most
incredible experience I’ve ever had on stage because we didn't know how funny
it was and suddenly the audience was just a wall of laughter, it was
phenomenal. Especially my line ‘How do I define history? It’s just one f***ing
thing after another.’ I was sitting there going ‘don’t laugh, don’t smile’ and
the laughter just went on and on and on and it was amazing. I thought ‘blimey,
I’m pleased I got that line and I bet the other boys are jealous!’” When the
play transferred to New York, Tovey was suddenly thrown into a world where the
cast were treated “like the Spice Girls. People would come backstage all the
time” – Tom Hanks, Julia Roberts, Paul Newman and Harrison Ford are just a few
of the phenomenally famous people he mentions – “I met Dustin Hoffmann and we
went on a little mini run around Central Park. Things like that that were just
unreal, it was like an absolute fantasy.”
Tovey’s career had in fact started
long before the all-conquering production. He starred as a child in kid’s shows
including Mud, famous for also kicking off Russell Brand’s career. With
no theatrical blood in his family, it was his overactive imagination and
obsession with films The Goonies and Home Alone that made him so serious about
joining the profession. “My mum was always very behind me and my dad was
panicked that I wouldn’t have an education, that all I’d be able to do is tap
dance, [that] I’d become one of those weird show kids that have don’t have an
adulthood and live in the past. But luckily that’s not been the case.”
After being suspended twice from
school for probably the most amusing reasons ever invented; once for running
into the girls’ toilets to steal their cakes and the other for calling a
teacher ‘sweetheart’ – “I got escorted down to the headmistress’s office and
the Head of Maths said to me ‘This is Mrs Palmer, the headmistress. Would you
call Mrs Palmer sweetheart?’ And I said ‘Yeah, if I knew her a better’” – he
was eventually politely asked to leave college for refusing to turn down acting
Tovey’s work ethic hasn’t swayed
since. When I ask him if he thinks he’ll ever need to take a year off, he
adamantly insists “No, I’d never stop no. You give yourself a holiday and you
chill out but I’m a lot happier when I’m working. When I’m not working, the washing
piles up, nothing gets posted, things don’t get sorted. As soon as I’m working
and I’ve got no time at all, everything is covered, it’s really weird. 
read so many gay parts and the gay character is always quite a tragic story and
there’s always a terrible ending."
“I’ve actually told all my friends
and put on my Facebook status ‘I’m on lock down’ because I literally have no
time to do anything.” Adding with a deliberately tongue-in-cheek tone, “When I
do have free time I’m down the gym because I’m topless in this.” Although he
admits being in the “average man casting bracket” where there’s no pressure on
the number of packs you can boast, he jokes: “I want to hear gasps [on stage].
It’s a Brucey bonus you get with me! You don’t expect it!”
It can’t hurt either for his next
adventure which will take him to the bizarre world of pilots’ season in Los
Angeles when Sex With A Stranger finishes its run on 25 February. With cult BBC
hit Being Human reformatted for US television and an American remake of Him
& Her in progress, he’s in the fortunate position of already being on
the radar of producers over the pond. “I went before Christmas and did a power week
of meeting all the studios and all the casting people”. Laughing, Tovey adds,
“Everyone said you’ll go over there and they’ll make you feel like you’re going
to change the world and I said ‘okay fine’ and I left and thought ‘I’m going to
take over the world’ basically.”
Tovey’s decision to leave the BBC’s
supernatural drama Being Human after four successful seasons was partly due to
his desire to be open for filming elsewhere, but also came down to a gut
feeling. “You just know when you know, you know? It was like the end of a
relationship when you’ve had a really lovely time, you really care about each
other but you know it’s not the one for you. I had a lovely time and then Aidan
[Turner, his Being Human co-star] leaving made me sort of go ‘hmmm’ and I’ve
been with it a long time playing that character.”
If acting wasn’t enough to keep him
busy, Tovey is also taking tentative steps to make his way to the other side of
the camera. He is the author of three plays but also, somewhat unfortunately,
has a short attention span. “They have all had readings, then they’ve suddenly
gone ‘we want to see a second draft or a third draft’ and I think ‘I’m bored of
that, I want to write something else now’ so I’ve never followed through with
anything.” The actor has also spoken at length about the lack of interesting
gay roles, so I wonder if it’s a role he would like to write himself? “Yeah.
You read so many gay parts and the gay character is always quite a tragic story
and there’s always a terrible ending or they’re terribly lonely or they get
AIDS, I just want to play someone who’s kind of sorted, not something that’s
going to break boundaries, just something that’s going to tell a different
Different sides is something Tovey
has lots of. He may be the cheeky Essex boy I’ve read him described as numerous
times, but to me, he mainly stands out as being as interested in and fully
engaged with as many things as he possibly can be. When I ask him what he’d be
doing if he weren’t acting, without a beat he answers: “When I was a little boy
I used to want to be a history teacher,” a passion he manages to get into our
conversation during the interview. “If I wasn’t doing that I would do something
in contemporary art. I’d be a curator or I’d run a gallery” he adds, before
reeling off a list of names of artists he’d love to play.
Perhaps those American casting agents
should widen their brackets. An average man he is not.
January 31, 2012
Oh, you would. You know you would.
You know that given half the chance you’d love to take a post-transformation
tumble with Being Human star Russell Tovey. As the luscious lad with
lycanthropy on the hit TV show, actor Tovey is one hot hunk and is most
certainly up there with the fittest werewolves of them all. Seeing him whip his
arse out during episodes of the supernatural show is like watching porn;
(acceptable porn, but porn nonetheless) and it’s helped perk up many a dull
Fans have been treated to Tovey’s
tight tushie ever since he first bagged the role of George Sands in the cult
BBC 3 series and what a treat it has been. As one member of a very sexy
supernatural group, he’s seen more of his fair share of things that go bump in the
night and for three years he even got to work with the gorgeous Aidan Turner
(the lucky sod). Sadly however, in November 2011, Tovey announced that he
was finally ready to hang up his claws and a collective sigh was heard amongst
the gay community. The news was devastating and it looked as if the world
really was set to end in 2012, with fans unable to have inappropriate thoughts
about one of the UK’s hottest properties. But fear not, the terrific
Tovey is not disappearing off our screens for good, so there’s still an
opportunity for inappropriate thoughts to continue.
For those not familiar with Russell
Tovey, shame on you! He’s that cute guy you’ve watched countless times on
TV; seen on numerous occasions in theatre productions; and heard on a variety
of radio dramas. At the age of 11 Tovey appeared on kid’s TV show Mud and
he’s continued to work like a man possessed ever since. This has included
small roles on some of the nation’s best-loved shows and even a little
programme that goes by the name of Doctor Who. It was here that he got to
play the part of Midshipman Alonso Frame, in a Christmas special that not only
had him working with the delicious David Tennant, but also Dame Kylie of
Minogue herself! If that’s not reason enough to bow down before the might
of Russell Tovey then what is? Surely you don’t get much gayer than
Doctor Who and Kylie? Actually, correction, you do. Tovey returned
to the role a couple of years later to hook up with John Barrowman’s serial
shagger Captain Jack. Now that’s definitely a gay overload of epic proportions!
Oh and former Doctor Who show runner Russell T Davies also loves him. Not only
does RTD throw in a good word here and there about Tovey all the time, but he’s
also suggested that the actor would make an excellent replacement Doctor given
half the chance.
At age 18, Tovey came out to his
parents and during his varied career he’s played a few gays here and
there. It’s not gone unnoticed and he recently appeared in Digital Spy’s
annual Fitty Fitster poll, on the site’s gay blog. Pictures of Tovey in
the buff have certainly helped him catch the eye of voters and it’s clearly
something the 30-year old is all too aware of. Oh yes, Russell has been
known to post saucy pics of himself on Twitter and he’s even made promises
about getting his kit off on stage during his next theatre production. He’s
obviously a criminal mastermind that should be rewarded for his cunning use of
social networking.
Russell’s star is definitely on the
rise and he’s soon set to provide voice duties on Aardman Studios’ The
Pirates!, the latest animated movie from the creators of Wallace and
Gromit. Although his Being Human days are almost over, he is set to make
a brief appearance during the show’s fourth season to explain his character’s
Tovey will also return to screens for a third series of hit sitcom Him & Her during 2012. Oh and not
just content with appearing on every bloomin’ TV show going, Tovey has also
written three plays and a short film, so expect more from his dexterous digits
in the future too. Russell Tovey is the boy next door
that you wished actually lived next door to you. Admittedly you’d never get
anything done, but you’d definitely enjoy popping round for the odd cup of
sugar. As top totty goes he’s got a lot to offer and it’s different from what’s
being flaunted by the usual crop of screen queens and macho Marys. He’s
the sort of guy you’d love to take out for a drink and then take home for a
quick bunk up. Oh and he’s got ears that you could just grab and… well
you get the idea. If by now you still don’t know who Russell Tovey is then
maybe you should check your pulse before swigging back that next double vodka
and Coke, after all, he’s only human, but are you?
Not sure where you’ve seen Tovey
before? Try episodes of Poirot, Marple, Sherlock, the Bill, Little
Dorrit, Silent Witness and Ashes to Ashes. He certainly knows how to
impress all the drama queens out there, doesn’t he?
As well as an impressive TV CV, Russell
has also appeared in a number of theatre productions including Henry V, His
Girl Friday, Tintin in Tibet and History Boys.
Him & Her isn’t Russell’s first
brush with comedy, he previously had parts in Rob Brydon’s Annually Retentive,
The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret and Gavin & Stacey.
Russell was expelled from
college. Sadly it had nothing to do with bumming behind the bike sheds,
but because of a choice in acting jobs.
Tovey has previously stated that when
it comes to his professional career he aspires to be a male Julie
Walters. Well don’t we all darling!
To catch Russell Tovey having SEX WITH A STRANGER, you can see him live in the world premiere a new play by award-winning writer and comedian Stefan Golaszewsk which kicks-off Feb 2012.
Synopsis: Adam is stuck in a relationship rut. His over-protective girlfriend keeps him on a tight leash but his mate’s birthday is an opportunity to spend a few hours free of the ball and chain, until a chance meeting in a nightclub offers the opportunity of excitement and a test for Adam’s resolve. Sex With A Stranger explores what happens when the ties that bind start to strangle us.
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