BoyVirginiaMade: En route to Heathrow
airport. This is really it. #GoingHomeToAmericaAfterThreeYearsInLondon

BoyVirginiaMade: I have the best
mates in the world. The B-BOYS!!!

RussTov_FanSite: @BoyVirginiaMade and
the best imaginary mates too - bear hugs from Pa in Oz

BoyVirginiaMade: @russelltovey Here's
that pic we took. It's deffo hotter in b&w. Happy Val day to u. Take urself
to Nandos! ;-)

BoyVirginiaMade: #ff the ones who support me without
having seen my work!! @MarkMMerrett @WhoGuru @Tom_In_Oz_

RussTov_FanSite: @BoyVirginiaMade and
when you move back to America are you gonna stay on Twitter?

BoyVirginiaMade: @RussTov_FanSite oh, I don't think I could give up Twitter. lol
MarkMMerrett: @BoyVirginiaMade do you
think you will be back to visit London soon?

BoyVirginiaMade: @MarkMMerrett I don't think I will be visiting often but I do hope to return someday!

Above: Gratuitous Rumpage

russelltovey: Happy Val day superb people... Show some love x

MrStevieWebb: So... Sex With A Stranger was bloody BRILLIANT!! Stunning performances. Hilarious. Uncomfortable. And @russelltovey was at his best.

russelltovey: @MrStevieWebb ta babes x
‘Sex With a Stranger’
From Variety Magazine
An Invisible Dot presentation of a
play in one act by Stefan Golaszewski. Directed by Phillip Breen.
Adam - Russell Tovey
Grace - Jaime Winstone
Ruth - Naomi Sheldon
Grace - Jaime Winstone
Ruth - Naomi Sheldon
What a difference actors make. Eerily
uninflected performances of Stefan Golaszewski's deliberately mundane dialogue
keeps the first 20 minutes of "Sex With a Stranger" afloat, if not
exactly flowing. But thanks to seriously over-indulgent direction, patience
wears thin and it becomes clear that even this cast cannot lend the hyper-naturalistic
script the profundity it thinks is has.
Less of a play than a series of
observations surrounding the implications of a one-night stand, "Sex With
a Stranger" initially focuses on Adam (Russell Tovey) and Grace (Jaime
Winstone) who meet while out clubbing. He ends up at her place, but it's not
long before we realize that other people are involved. Grace is engaged, Adam
lives with musician Ruth (Naomi Sheldon).
Plot, however, is not a major concern
for TV scribe Golaszewski. He's more interested in the sub-Mike Leigh-style
minutiae of his characters' behavior, not least their understanding -- or lack
thereof -- of the pain they cause. Like Pinter in "Betrayal," he's
also playing with time, cutting occasionally forward but mostly backwards to
scenes of domestic boredom and frustration leading up to the sex.
All of this would be entirely valid
were it handled with greater insight or attack. As it is, Golaszewski's highly
self-conscious approach presents scenes in dozens of tiny snapshots that
underline the writer's intentions more than creating genuine engagement with
the characters' plights.
Many of the jump-cuts only inch
scenes forward. The seemingly random timing of the edit points for these tiny
scenes may be intentional -- it delineates the shapelessness of these lives --
but there's no reason for monotonous lives to be presented with such dramatic
Other scenes are directed to drag on
interminably, repeatedly making the same point that these characters cannot
articulate their helplessness. The rhythm of the evening feels like a student's
first feature film in which all the close-up reaction shots are twice the
length they need be.
Winstone gives Grace an artless,
brash disposition that adds spark to the proceedings. Naomi Sheldon does
plaintive very well and keeps her throughline going even when suffering from
painfully over-extended directorial pacing. The evening belongs, however, to
Tovey ("Being Human"), whose quiet strength brings consistency to a
character whose behavior as written doesn't properly hang together.
Collectively, it's abundantly clear that the actors don't patronize the
characters. But, unintentionally or not, there's a distinct impression that the
writer does.
Sets and costumes, Holly Pigott;
lighting, Emma Chapman; sound, Andrea J. Cox; production stage manager, Emma
Nairne. Opened, Feb. 6, 2012. Reviewed Feb. 8. Running time: 1 HOUR, 20 MIN.
Contact David Benedict at
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