Mr Tovey will be pleased!
I have been running this bog for just on 10 months. That equates to roughly 300 days.
I have had close to 57,000 Blog pages Tweeted over that period.
On average that means 190 pages of this blog are Tweeted to friends and family per day.
This site is averaging close to 29,000 hits per month.
On average that is close to 1000 people per day viewing the latest updates.
Mr Tovey will be pleased!
**Before you read on please note:
I do not usually change names of people but for this report today some of the names have been changed to protect the innocent….and me!

Tom_In_Oz_: @mrchrissullivan It won't be long now Chris until you cruise the east coast of Oz....then have to go work on that ship!

mrchrissullivan: @Tom_In_Oz_ are you sure you're straight?

Tom_In_Oz_: @mrchrissullivan Chris as amazing as it sounds yep. Married 33 years but I have a wife who allows me to be man in my life ever!

mrchrissullivan: @boydhilton why are you not out Tonight?

boydhilton: @mrchrissullivan wasn't invited out! (and anyway I'm knackered)
The second chapter is from Saturday need context for "The Tovey Day" below…

mrchrissullivan: Oh what fresh Hell is this!! Sat morning hangover- will not make it though the day........

Tom_In_Oz_: @mrchrissullivan SHAME SHAME SHAME now spill all the details that you can remember?

mrchrissullivan: @Tom_In_Oz_ no way - what goes in tour stays on tour!!!

GC1: @mrchrissullivan did you have fun lovely man? When do I get see you again? x

mrchrissullivan: VERY ANGRY! rushed into work with half asleep brain- doesn't open till 10- tit- what to do for an hour!!

mrchrissullivan: @GC1 was a great night mr - too good - suffering now and stupidly arrived for work an hour early- I may cry ...when are you out? X

GC1: @mrchrissullivan soon-ish I hope. I'm a little broke at the moment so playing it low. An hour early? Ouch. get on the carbs. Xx

mrchrissullivan: @GC1 ok honey- soon as you're able I'm ready and willing!!

Tom_In_Oz_: @GC1 @mrchrissullivan So Chris are you 2 gonna be in OZ at the same time later in April-ish?

mrchrissullivan: @Tom_In_Oz_ early march till mid April in sydders
Here is “The Tovey Day”
Saturday 8-1-2011

russelltovey: Working out In the living because @mrchrissullivan made me miss the gym... Dancing around to Nicky Minaj x
Allyska: @russelltovey and how did he make u miss the gym Russell?!!

russelltovey: @allyska he was very late getting to my house.. He is currently crashed out on my bed whilst I cut some muscular shapes in the living room x

TopCatTC69: @russelltovey @mrchrissullivan Sometimes knowing the domestic moments of your favourite stars is not all it's cracked up to x

SineadKeenan: @russelltovey @mrchrissullivan Did he have his gun out again??? X

russelltovey: @SineadKeenan eh??? Maybe... I didn't look x

russelltovey: Anyone else’s nipples look better when it cold? X

russelltovey: I think mine do... I'm developing a pinching habit when out in t-shirts... X

SineadKeenan: @russelltovey His Gun to your head!!!! He 'made' you miss the gym xxxx

russelltovey: @SineadKeenan classic x no, no gun dear... Just an apologetic face and fag breath x
tommyboy780: @russelltovey ur Twitter has become rather erotic lately

russelltovey: @tommyboy780 hot right? X

SineadKeenan: I can't believe no one has asked me how I take my tea??? For those of you who care it's black, no sugar xxx

russelltovey: @SineadKeenan liar x

SineadKeenan: @russelltovey Liar??????? Xxx

russelltovey: "I like my men like I like my coffee......" How does the rest go? X
ezeebee: @russelltovey "...Stewed for ten minutes then squeezed through a sieve"?

russelltovey: @ezeebee ha ha ha x
mjafarren: @russelltovey .... wet and on the bedside table?

russelltovey: @mjafarren hot x
Nicole_Kingy: @russelltovey Are you Horny Russell? Think you need to knock one out x

russelltovey: @Nicole_Kingy tick x

russelltovey: RT moodysam: @russelltovey "Hot strong and sweet like toffee oh, 'cause you know that I can't let you go" I bloody love that song but don't tell anyone!
Markjosephactor: @russelltovey in a McDonalds car-park?

russelltovey: @markjosephactor ha ha ha x
artschoolwank: @russelltovey ...disease free?#ilikemymenlikeilikemycoffee

russelltovey: @artschoolwank true dat x
mmm_gash: Everytime @russelltovey tweets, I feel my heart skip a beat :').#imapoetandididntknowit #fanboy

russelltovey: @mmm_gash :-) x

marcuswhitney1: @russelltovey with a strong aroma!

russelltovey: @marcuswhitney1 hot!!! X

Scott_Arthur: @marcuswhitney1 @russelltovey tall and black?

boydhilton: @russelltovey as hot as possible. X

Get_P_Here: @Markgatiss @russelltovey creamy!

mrSamuelBarnett: @russelltovey sweet and milky.

Bcgkelly: @russelltovey @sineadkeenan Does he mean strong & black or White frothy & creamy, Lol

Markgatiss: @russelltovey Weak & instant?
dannyanactor: @russelltovey In a cup ?
Lucy_Austin_: @russelltovey Hot, on a street corner and less than £2.50? X

russelltovey: @Lucy_Austin_ ha ha ha x
LukeFDouglas: @russelltovey I know I'm late, but "Hot, sweet, and capable of keeping me awake till the small hours"

russelltovey: @LukeFDouglas ha ha x
mmm_gash: @russelltovey You must think I'm a freak

russelltovey: @mmm_gash in a hot way x

russelltovey: Mini workout over, Nicki Minaj off, clothes back on and grilled chicken being ingested...And smiling at all me Wittys genius responses x
Aecen: I shall put my dinner plans in @russelltovey's hands. Shall I order pizza or actually bother to cook pasta tonight? :3

russelltovey: @Aecen pasta!!! X
ILoveToPout: @russelltovey Not been on here all day, just did and the first tweet I see is yours about nipples... Nice work haha!!! x

russelltovey: @ILoveToPout I try x
Aecen: @russelltovey has spoken. Pasta it is.

russelltovey: @Aecen amen x
always_on_top_: @russelltovey were you working out naked!! shouldv twitpic'd for us!! those pinchable nipples should be shown to the

russelltovey: @always_on_top_ half naked... Sometimes I do it fully nude.. I feel like a roman Olympian x

Julie_Atherton: @russelltovey always! Xxx

russelltovey: @Julie_Atherton f**king love you x
gositinabin: @russelltovey enjoy your food! I love chicken!

russelltovey: @gositinabin food of the Gods x
theladymania: @russelltovey honey, this is something women have known and used for years. Welcome to the sisterhood.

russelltovey: @theladymania I love the sisterhood... But do we have to abstain from rumpy pumpy? Z
always_on_top_: @russelltovey half naked is good.. but fully nude is the way to go I think.. I shall try it…I want to feel like a roman Olympian too. x

russelltovey: @always_on_top_ it's so hot... And do it to music x
jonbawden: @russelltovey are you drunk?

russelltovey: @jonbawden constantly... No... I'm drinking Green Tea and a Perrier x
burntoutcar: @russelltovey Just been in a hot tub with Barry Berry (@Barriomatski). Nipples looked *great* in the cold air.

russelltovey: @burntoutcar I love Barry Berry x

Foxfontaine: @russelltovey nipple pinching? Really?! Good lord you must be rather bored my dear. *tries it*
The last chapter ends on Sunday morning...and the spin cycle repeats!

boydhilton: Lovely time at party of the beautiful people. Matt Le Blanc kept his long black coat on all night and @gracedent literally let her hair down

Charliecondou: @MatthewCainC4 How lovely to see you and all your sisters x
MatthewCainC4: @Charliecondou Oh I love all my sisters so much. Thanks for having us Charlie!

charliecondou: Well that was a good party
boydhilton: @Charliecondou triumph
charliecondou: @boydhilton I think Im still drunk
boydhilto: @Charliecondou everyone is
bryony_gordon: I must say that @Charliecondou throws the best parties. Espesh when u go home with a snog from @russelltovey. I think I'm still a bit tipsy.
robdiament: Can't believe Joey from Friends and Neve Campbell are here!! Ha, it's so 90s USA tv in this room!
russelltovey: @bryony_gordon you are an exceptional kisser x
charliecondou: @russelltovey I cant believe you didnt pull MLB
russelltovey: @Charliecondou Was I meant to? Oh god x
charliecondou: @russelltovey Someone should have!
bryony_gordon: @russelltovey you have to let me kiss you when I haven't smoked 600 fags and drunk 700 bottles of beer x
Tom_In_Oz_: @bryony_gordon @russelltovey H bloody OT!!
russelltovey: @bryony_gordon big time!!! X
mrchrissullivan: @Charliecondou happy birthday again mr! Party was fabulous- would have replied sooner but just got my phone back! Congrats again!
Charliecondou: @mrchrissullivan Nice seeing you too fella x
mchrissullivan: @Charliecondou good to see you too - and once again congrats on the bubba! X
Charity Tweeting:
Tom_In_Oz_: @Julie_Atherton BTW thank you Julie for RT of the Motor Neurone Disease fund raiser. Colin is nearly up to $5k and still going.
Julie_Atherton: @Tom_In_Oz_ no worries! Xxx
Tom_In_Oz_: @Julie_Atherton BTW "No worries mate" is how we Ozzies say that expression...everyone in Oz is a mate!
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