Above: This is the peninsula that I live on in the middle of Newcastle Harbour Oz it's almost an island. A few people have already looked at the pics of my local beach which I posted on Xmas Day. Newcastle Oz is sub-tropical. We grow bananas and coconuts in my back yard near our hibiscus and frangipanis. No, Oz is not as dangerous as people think! I have never seen a funnel web spider in the wild, no snakes or nasties. There was one day, when I thought I saw a shark, but it was just a dolphin cruising along the harbour.
Spoof trivia
Matrixdatabank: Russell Tovey wanted to buy RTD's unused Blu-ray player from him but was given it free at the Voyage of the Damned wrap party. It's a Sony.
DidymusBrush: Aiden Turner, Russell Tovey, Lenora Chrichlow, Sinead Keenan... is there a more beautiful yet ridiculously talented ensemble cast on telly?
Icy reception at 7pm Sunday 9-1-2011:

MatthewCainC4: Can't believe I'm watching Dancing on Ice. And actually quite enjoying it...

russelltovey: "Representing loose women everywhere... It's Denise Welch" WTF?
Bg_evl: @russelltovey Always good to comment on people's morals when they're being introduced. ;-)
PeterK111: @russelltovey ....and who will be representing all the loose men?
donalmerrick: @russelltovey she must be from the show loose women?
philgray: @russelltovey bit of a shit script...

TopCatTC69: Well, I gave Dancing on Ice a go and it confirmed what I thought: It's Strictly on Ice for Chavs. I'll be in my bunker if you want me. lol x

jaybs: @russelltovey @MatthewCainC4 What sad people we are! Dancing on Ice, some of the pro's look anorexic & a little rough John x

Tom_In_Oz_: @MatthewCainC4 Matthew the company you keep is fine but your viewing habits NEED to improve! It'd be more enlightening to look out a window!

MatthewCainC4: You know what, I actually can't do this. XFactor and Britain's Got Talent I love but Dancing on Ice is just a step too far...

Scott_Arthur: Might go and see the Kings Speech tonight..Do we brave the cold tho?
Tom_In_Oz_: @Scott_Arthur and Mr Rush is brill !!

HorshamiteHarry: @Tom_In_Oz_ do you actually sleep?.

Tom_In_Oz_: I am but a Loose Woman too - can't afford to sleep otherwise I'd starve - gotta pay the rent! @russelltovey
#DOI not #DOA
boydhilton: Disappointing lack of extreme neckwear on Jason Gardiner this evening. I hope this isn't the shape of things to come #DOI
Tom_In_Oz_: @boydhilton I read that as #Dead On Arrival not #DOI, well could apply I suppose!
Get_P_Here: For some reason I am getting very excited about Kerry Katona appearing on #dancingonice
Tom_In_Oz_: @Get_P_Here Excited in rush of blood to the nether regions way...or buying a new puppy way?
Get_P_Here: @Tom_In_Oz_ new puppy
Theladyreed: I admit it - I love Kerry Katona
Get_P_Here: Nadia needs a bulldog clip to the back of the neck!
Get_P_Here: RT “@sievans: #DOI The great thing about having Kerry on the show is that all the after show Buffet is free courtesy of Iceland”
Tom_In_Oz_: Kerry Katona has spent most of her life in a Katatonic state...she's finally awake!
Dorina335: @Tom_In_Oz_ ha ha!...I know what prog ur referring to but not watching it
HorshamiteHarry: @Get_P_Here @Tom_In_Oz_ @AlanCarr #vote Kerry
Get_P_Here: @HorshamiteHarry @tom_in_oz_ @alancarr my phone is poised and ready to hit redial many many times. Love the Katona!
GayTimesMag: We were going to tweet during Dancing On Ice but our middle-class television has decided to only show BBC today. Hey ho. #DOI
TopCatTC69: @GayTimesMag I call it Strictly on Ice for Chavs. Switched off, at the first break!! lol
Get_P_Here: Jeff Brazier needs to lay off the helium
russelltovey: "Kerry is showing she's still an atomic kitten and not an alley cat" omg x
addictive_hero: @russelltovey I think You could have put More gay emphasis on the omg! ;0)))
boydhilton: Vanilla Ice desperately trying to prove you can be macho whilst ice dancing. In diamanté #doi
Friendlymoocow: Haha vanilla ice was actually not too bad on the ice!
Get_P_Here: RT “@PlungeMyClunge: The presenter just said he had no trouble with the two big lips as he had that girls flange over his head! #DOI”
Colindobson: So when I said what am I missing back home? Why has every gay guy said Dancing On Ice? Lol
TopCatTC69: @colindobson The fact that Dancing on Ice is still crap. Other than that it's cuts, austerity, the usual. lol How's the holiday going & book
Tom_In_Oz_: @colindobson No, only the UK guys....the ones in Oz are off to work it's nearly 8am.
Colindobson: @Tom_In_Oz_ Have a good one!
The baby blues!
MatthewCainC4: How sweet that David and Victoria are having another baby! I'm really pleased for them and actually quite excited...
jaybs: @MatthewCainC4 Will it be a girl for Victoria, and what name?? where was it conceived?? LOL J
russelltovey: I want to be David and Victoria Beckhams 4th child x
Dorina335: @russelltovey that would necessitate changing gender..they want a girl...sorry!
Tom_In_Oz_: @russelltovey They were in Oz. It will be named from where it was made so it's either Sydney or Newcastle...I think Newcastle would be good.
Dorina335: @Tom_In_Oz_ Ha ha!
Roxy_Hart: @russelltovey it's good to have achievable goals in life ;)
jamies119: @russelltovey Brooklyn, Romeo, Cruz... Russell? Hmmm
akadiem: @russelltovey You'd have to be a Caesarian then - No way you'd be coming out the front door, *definite* sunroof job for a baby your size!
Nicole_Kingy: @russelltovey You would look hot in a nappy x
boydhilton: @russelltovey Russell Honey Ears Beckham... x
Taken advantage of
bryony_gordon: I am so hungover that I actually rented out piranha from the DVD store. Grim.
Tom_In_Oz_: @bryony_gordon Most DVD stores have to give that one away free - they took advantage of a drunk woman!
bryony_gordon: A man just drank the juice of a freshly squeezed seal's eyeball. On the telly. I feel ill.
Tom_In_Oz_: @bryony_gordon Time to hit the bottle to ease the pain! You have my permission!
bryony_gordon: @Tom_In_Oz_ that will only increase the pain!
Tom_In_Oz_: @bryony_gordon B at my age the pain needs to be well and truly drowned! xxx
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