Russell Tovey and Stevie Webb have a mutual friend called Jack Shalloo who just happens to be a fan of the Tovey Blog. (Well frankly who isn't).
Jack has just ventured into making a new comedy show that will stream on-line called The Sketch Bank Show.
He is hoping to create a new way of looking at comedy made by first time people from across the globe that have fresh ideas to share.
If you think you are funny, or your friends are funny get involved.
You can contact the team via Email: deposit@thesketchbank.com
or visit the site here

Above: Jack Shalloo on left, Stevie Webb on right and some complete unknowns in the centre LOL! Alright they are not completely unknown - it's actually Chris Fountain, Verity Rushworth and Liam Tamne who all worked together in the stage show "Departure Lounge" in 2010.
Success on the way for
The Sketch Bank Show
From 0 to 400 Twitter followers in 2 days!
Day 1
jackshalloo @Tom_In_Oz_ dude nice one!!!
thesketchbank @Tom_In_Oz_ ur my new favourite
jackshalloo @Tom_In_Oz_ nice one man!!!
jackshalloo @Tom_In_Oz_ thank you for all your help mate x
jackshalloo RT @AWOLTom: Look what happens when @StephenFry helps promote @JackShalloo on @RussellTovey's Blogspot - *RESULT* http://yfrog.com/h35bv9j
Day 2
Tom_In_Oz_: @jackshalloo have you had lots of response mate?
jackshalloo: @Tom_In_Oz_ lots we have over 400 followers in 2 days that's amazing. Thank u x
Tom_In_Oz_: @jackshalloo success *oz huggs*
jackshalloo: @Tom_In_Oz_ xx
Tom_In_Oz_: @jackshalloo Jack these lovely people have helped:
@Frazerbrown @Julie_Atherton @JennyTFitz @BenjaminVivian @hobbitluv @jessica_ebony_x @VerityRushworth @AnnaKrostxx @theoopsgirl @LiamTamne @drillhall @danibright @prouddavid @madmerdoc & of course @stephenfry!
Above: Sinead Keenan co-star of Russell Tovey in Being Human talks to Tom about his figures
(click picture to enlarge).
Below: John talks to Sinead(click picture to enlarge).
The latest Grabbers movie news
3:10am 10th January 2011 Donegal Ireland
russelltovey: I'm in Donegal, Ireland... It's dark but I know by morning it will look stunning x
SineadKeenan: Yes it will! Why you up so late? Xxx
Tom_In_Oz_: @SineadKeenan @russelltovey and more's the point Sinead why are you up so late?
russelltovey: :-) x http://yfrog.com/gygj3rbj
CamiGreyhound: @russelltovey I don't think you're Square at all!
JaredofMo: Stay out of the shadows, all you folk in Donegal, Ireland.@RussellTovey is lurking in the shadows...
Posted Sunday, January 9, 2011
This is Russell Tovey's current movie where he plays a policeman who spends most of his scenes drunk...academy award winning drunk according to the production staff!
Old Mill
The Grabbers film crew are here in Moville, Northern Ireland.
They have been filming up by the old Mill for the last couple of days.
They have also been eating and drinking at a local bar / restaurant.
The two main stars, it seems, were there for several hours on Saturday evening as well as several of those responsible for creature creation.
It's great to see them out and about and it has given Moville a bit of a boost in January which is normally quiet.
It seems, also, that a local guy called them asking for a part and got one, one would assume as an extra.
It would be great if the film became a big success as it would really put Moville on the map.
If you are out and about this week you might bump into them.
You might even get a part in it as an extra.
Even if not you might get a chat with them or even a look at them.
They seem to be fairly sociable and approachable.
Excited locals
hiboy81: Richard Coyle & Russell Tovey staying in the hotel I work in for 3 weeks!!!!
dohertydan: @russelltovey are you near Ramelton or Letterkenny? That's where my family is from :-) I'm sure you'll be warmly welcomed there
russelltovey: @dohertydan I'm near Muff apparently x
ScottieUK: @russelltovey first time for everything! :-P
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