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d291173: Hey @russelltovey can you RT appeal for QLD floods? Area underwater now size of France/Germany
(NB. The above tweet was from Oz actor Daniel Kilby and it was his request that Russell Re-Tweeted to fans around the world).
Stephenfry: RT @GoddessOfTheSea: @stephenfry Perhaps you could retweet this for those wanting news on Queensland loved ones? Many thanks.


SineadKeenan: @Tom_In_Oz_ Thinking of all our friends Down Under xx
Flood victims will be thankful for help
jkirkland1977: RT @Tom_In_Oz_: @simonpegg How to donate to QLD Oz flood relief. Full details at Russell Tovey Blogspot
Tom_In_Oz_: Oz flood unprecedented in size! Towns in Nth NSW & Vic are about to cop rain too. All up it's about the size of 2 UKs.

peacockpet: RT @Tom_In_Oz_: @peacockpete How to donate to QLD Oz flood relief. Full details at Russell Tovey Blogspot

Bcgkelly: very sorry to hear about all the suffering as a result of the floods. X B

Dorina335: @Tom_In_Oz_ ur not in Queensland r u darling?...any of ur relatives in those parts?
Dorina335: @Tom_In_Oz_ sorry to hear that
Michaelbosc: @Tom_In_Oz_ Hi my friend how are you all? Been watching the TV reports hope you are ok trying to get hold of my niece to check they are ok
Tom_In_Oz_: @stephenfry Oz floods - It's a disaster yes, but Oz humour & spirit is getting us through. Chance 4 many 2 wear their new Xmas Speedos at last!
Video of the flash floods that hit Oz - 11 Jan 2011.
News update from Oz - 14 Jan 2011.
Just as Queensland is cleaning up from Australia's biggest natural disaster the states of Victoria and Tasmania are experiencing floods caused by a weather system stretching down the east coast. Normally at this time of year Victoria receives zero rain and faces brushfires. The top of NSW was threatened but the threat is easing. Oz is currently surround by 3 cyclones and 2 of them are on the east side - Mother Nature at her worst!. The Queenslanders have their beloved XXXX (Four X) Beer Co. back in production - we have priorities people!

joooos1: @Tom_In_Oz_ excellent news about xxxx! Could see the brewery from hotel when I was in Brisbane
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