MatthewCainC4: Had very demoralising few days at work. Can anyone recommend any good songs to cheer me up? Am determined to snap out of it now...
will_young31: @MatthewCainC4 sisters?

russelltovey: @MatthewCainC4 so many men, so little time? X

russelltovey: @MatthewCainC4 anything by Deborah cocks? X
BBCsEleven: @russelltovey you have a cock obsession, Tovey. I'm getting you a rooster for your birthday...

MatthewCainC4: @russelltovey I love you so much my special beautiful twin. What would me and our little girl do without you?
johncconnell1: @russelltovey Alright Russell. Have you got a nandos black card?? X

russelltovey: @johncconnell1 no :-( x
johncconnell1: @russelltovey oh dear... I'm sure you could get one! Have a word with the agent. ;-) x

russelltovey: @_Warrick_ yes!!!! At some point defo x
_Warrick_: @russelltovey tweet me when you're ready and I'll meet you out front!

russelltovey: @_Warrick_ cool x

russelltovey: Ricky Champ aka Paul in Him&her on set in the kitchen... X

Marcello_Leo: @russelltovey when the new series be on do u know

russelltovey: @Marcello_Leo the new series will be on in September!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! X
NickyColman: @russelltovey If Him&Her has half the amount of nose picking/foreskin fiddling as the 1st series, i'll die happy.

russelltovey: @NickyColman you Will be happy and more some x
WWJD_aka_stick: Loves @russelltovey in him&her it's so funny :D can't wait for new series :D

russelltovey: @WWJD_aka_stick ;-) x

scott_mills: I heart Gemma

russelltovey: @scott_mills ditto... Did you ask??? X

scott_mills: @russelltovey yes she said she can sort you out!!

russelltovey: Sad to hear Macho Man Randy Savage has died today... A childhood hero of mine x

THEKERRYHOWARD: @_Warrick_ @Solemani more pics of mongrels!

THEKERRYHOWARD: Laura has a new look, could be a good wedding hair style! I know I look like a braided bake bean! Scary x
MrDandyryan: We are calling our new ginger kitten Tovey - can you see why? @russelltovey

russelltovey: @MrDandyryan amazing x

The Bafta TV awards are on Sunday 22-5-2011. Photographer Phil Fisk shares his extraordinary portfolio of television stars.
Russell Tovey
Russell Tovey first appeared on television singing a song from Aladdin at the Lakeside Shopping Centre on Michael Barrymore’s My Kind of People. “He told me I was very professional.” Barrymore was right. Since his breakthrough as Rudge in Alan Bennett’s The History Boys, he’s appeared in such diverse TV as Little Dorrit, Gavin and Stacey, Doctor Who and the much-loved Being Human. “I didn’t realise I was a sci-fi fan until Being Human,” he says of one of the nominees for best drama series. “Now I’ve been to sci-fi conventions with it and realised I love it. The Goonies, Star Wars, Teen Wolf… all sci-fi.”
Picture above sent via blog follower: @edwardclarke
Above: Click picture to enlarge
Over on my new blog for Russell's friend Charlie Condou I seem to be attracting a celebrity following similar the Tovey blog...I'm stoked!
I mean, what are the chances of an Australian school vice principal running two fan blogs which then have UK celebrities following? It just proves how highly regarded Russell and Charlie are!
currently The blogs are followed by:
Russell Tovey (TV star & actor), Charlie Condou (TV star & actor), Dermot O'Leary (BBC radio & X-Factor host), Boy George (DJ & former member of Culture Club), Keith Chegwin (host & comedian), BBC3 (UK TV), Being Human (BBC TV Show), Garret Keogh (Being Human digital exec), Beth Leigh (Corrie twin’s mum), Marcus McCheyne (Corrie twin’s dad), Will Kevans (singer & songwriter), DJ Animations (film co), The Fat Tony (club DJ & music producer), Alan Carr (Chatty Man TV show), Reveal Magazine (publication), Patricia Ledwith (Russell's former drama lecturer & elocutionist), Queer Me Up Magazine (publication), The Drill Hall (showbiz co), Grabbers (movie co), Chris Wiseman (TV exec), SFX Magazine (publication), Gavin Toomey (independent film producer), Mikey Walsh (author), Michael Douglas Bosc (author),Valerie Meecham (actor), Christopher Banchar (PR CEO), Nick Alan (clothing designer, musician, artist), Rachel Newton (Coronation Street publicist), Hardeep Singh Kohli (comedian & presenter), Hugh Wright (charity fundraiser, fashionista, restaurant blogger, gay icon, man-about-town, travel editor of Fashionsalade & OFFICIALLY The Gayest Man On Twitter (TM)), Jim Murray (Op_BillyCollins a disgraced spook), Paul Spicer (actor, producer, lover, fighter), Julie Atherton (princess not in a Disney way), Marcus Whitney (make-up artist to the stars), Kath Viner (deputy editor of The Guardian), Stephen Hagan (actor) & Bryony Gordon (Lois Lane type reporter).
And there are regular contributions from actors: James Fleet, Sinead Keenan, Stevie Webb, Samuel Barnett, Chris Sullivan, Stephen Fry, Jack Shalloo & Mike Fenton-Stevens. There are the occasional tweets from TV reporter Matthew Cain (UK Channel 4) & Boyd Hilton (editor Heat Magazine). Also support from Pete Lord (Oscar winning head of Aardman Movie Studios) &c….
Instead of me writing about it have a look on the list for each of my Twitter sites and see for yourself:..
And last but not least, the numerous long-term Twitter followers whose avatar pics are seen on both blogs… they are the ones who make the conversations with Russell & Charlie come alive! As dedicated followers they are entitled to have some recognition, hence, their avatars being included.
So if you want to be included, join & follow either the Tovey Blog or the Condou Blog…for your place in internet history!
One Long Ad
MatthewCainC4: Morning! Am writing blog about unnecessary + annoying announcements on public transport + in airports etc. Anyone have any good examples..?

MatthewCainC4: I love my twin @russelltovey

mrkimjones: 2 big weddings this summer - I don't know what to wear! Obviously louis vuitton but not sure what!

russelltovey : RT @Cheif10: http://www.guardian.co.uk/tv-and-radio/gallery/2011/may/20/television-baftas-portraits-2011#/?picture=374788660&index=6 #FIT @russelltovey

russelltovey: RT @ObsMagazine: Stunning gallery of our favourite TV stars is up on @guardian website now ahead of Sunday's @ObsMagazine BAFTA special.http://bit.ly/mMmqDH
cherubpaddock: @russelltovey shameless self-promotion! I applaud you! Nice photo as well Mr Easy-on-the-eye!

russelltovey: @cherubpaddock ;-) x
scott_mills: Gemma off of TOWIE is dropping by the show today to say hi #knowshowtoorderthewinesandallthat

russelltovey: @scott_mills I F*cking love Gemma... Can you ask her if she has a BMW 1 series in gunmetal grey available please? X

scott_mills: @russelltovey haha I will of course x
SineadKeenan: Cinderella SHALL go 2 the ball Got told today that myself, Lenora & Russell WILL be at the BAFTA's on Sun. Now 2 find a frock! #lastminute.com
SineadKeenan: Bless u all! I will have approx 4 hrs 2 find a dress as I don't get back from filming til Sat afternoon. Where's anika Rice when u need her?
Mavro_Arni: @RussTov_FanSite @sineadkeenan @russelltovey That's awesome! So happy for you all.
Above: Some new graphic artwork for Being Human from "Girl On The Moon" at Deviant Art.
Below: Sarah Solemani on the set of Him & Her - sent by Russell Tovey in the last week of shooting season two.

russelltovey: Sarah @Solemani on set of Him&Her X
PicklesDetroit: @russelltovey I voted for you as Best Actor and for Being Human. Good luck.

russelltovey: @PicklesDetroit thanks Pickles x
ChuCkD321: @russelltovey when's him and her series 2 on?

russelltovey: @ChuCkD321 September x
Witchypie: @russelltovey where is that flat?

russelltovey: @Witchypie it's in a studio x
Alan_Hawkins: @russelltovey Hi Russell, what's your opinion on Kate Bush's Director's Cut?

russelltovey: @Alan_Hawkins not had a chance to listen to it yet but sure it's phenom x

russelltovey: “@BexyCollins: @russelltovey when is the new series of him and her going to be aired do you know? We loved the last series!x” SEPTEMBER! X

russelltovey: The new series of Him&her will be out in September!!!! SEPTEMBER!!! :-) x

russmullan: @russelltovey yeaaaaaaah September Hurrry UP! x
CKYCatt: @russelltovey hi could you wish my friend @sammyisawombat happy 18th b-day for tomorrow! Shes got an exam on it! She loves you!!!!

russelltovey: @sammyisawombat happy birthday! :-) x
russelltovey: @THEGREATESTUNDA hola paps!!! X :-)

THEKERRYHOWARD: The last week of filming him and her, gonna miss trying not to laugh at @russelltovey and @Solemani and the rest of the cast and crew.
russelltovey: @THEKERRYHOWARD get over it x
jaydecornish: @russelltovey www.hopeforlaurafund.co.uk please give all you can! RT! She has brain cancer and needs £80,000 and has a 19 month old son x
KPWaggy: @russelltovey couldn't get a tweet back could I? Its my 18th birthday today! :)
russelltovey: @KPWaggy happy 18th!! X
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