Above: Dr Who script writer Tom MacRae attended the launch of the UK Big Brother Show 9-9-2011 and got a shot at sitting in the diary room.
russelltovey: Ok... I feel like dog shit... Fresh air and water x
gibbolondon: Great to meet @russelltovey last night - you should've come to g-a-y late! :-)
TMarkstahler: @russelltovey Try some M&Ms for brekky ;-)
russelltovey: Hangover boogers x
Wolfie_Rankin: @russelltovey No sympathy :)
Tom_In_Oz_: snot a problem! @russelltovey
NeatFreak_: @Tom_In_Oz_ @russelltovey Ahhh. Tis snot *Irish accent*
Tom_In_Oz_: @NeatFreak_ @russelltovey Tis-Sue *Oz accent*
NeatFreak_: @Tom_In_Oz_ @russelltovey G'day mate :))) *couldn't think of anything better - sorry*
Tom_In_Oz_: @NeatFreak_ @russelltovey an Irish top of the mornin' to ya - time for a Guinness it must be breakfast there!
tommacwriter: So - today's the day!! #thegirlwhowaited
russelltovey: @tommacwriter woo-hoo!!!!! X
MissRedPeril: @Tom_In_Oz_ Glad someone is as fascinated by @tommacwriter as I am. Seeing him later for #drwho viewing, so will raise a glass for you.
Tom MacRae "Trends" on twitter. Click the following map to enlarge:
CallumCThompson: @russelltovey I'm hungover too. Come cuddle!!
russelltovey: Would kill for a cuddle x
BoyVirginiaMade: @russelltovey please don't kill, I'm sure you have loads of people who would love to cuddle you. Or you could just get a stuffed animal. Lol
Tom_In_Oz_: @russelltovey I know of 3 men called Thomas in your life who can do that but not me obv (being straight and all) x
MatthewCainC4: Starting Saturday by cleaning out cat's stinking litter tray. Any ideas for choice of music? Need something to lift me to another place...
russelltovey: The new album by @will_young31 is proper brilliant x
russelltovey: RT @LauraCharman: @russelltovey If you ever fancy moving to Hoddesdon in Hertfordshire we've found the perfect place for you.
MarkMMerrett: @mmm_gash @russelltovey Fancy a 3some mates?
russelltovey: It's well humid innit? X
MatthewCainC4: Off to party to watch tonight's Dr Who - written by my talented sister @tommacwriter !
russelltovey: Off to @tommacwriter's chateau for a very exciting screening of his episode of Doctor Who tonight called 'The bird who waited...' x
russelltovey: Sorry 'The girl who waited' and it's gonna smash it... Congrats in advance to Thomas x
MatthewCainC4: Wearing little shorts + schoolboy top + just realised I must look like mutton dressed as lamb. Horrific moment in life of thirtysomething!
WhoGuru: @russelltovey @tommacwriter Give Tom a high five for me eh? Can't wait to see it tonight!! Going to be brilliant!
MLPasterisk: @russelltovey And afterwards will you be watching Doctor Who Confidential as narrated by Mr R Tovey ? :0)
MLPasterisk: @MatthewCainC4 But don't you hate Doctor Who ? Could get awkward ! ;0)
MatthewCainC4: Not to worry - Adele's Someone Like You just come on Magic FM + singing along in taxi with my twin @russelltovey. Magic indeed!
tommacwriter: House tidy, champagne chilled, just waiting for the guests to arrive - come along Ponds!
WhoGuru: @tommacwriter They're singing in the taxi at the moment! LOL Good luck hon! Going to be amazing! :D Can't wait!
MatthewCainC4: We're at @tommacwriter's house!
MatthewCainC4: Just for you! People just arriving. Only one looking to camera is my big brother @boydhilton
MatthewCainC4: Here you are taken by @boydhilton - but it's hideous! Don't show anyone else!
Tovey Blog "Trends" on twitter. Click the map to enlarge.
boydhilton: Great to watch The Girl Who Waited again with @tommacwriter and his chums. Even better the 2nd time. #doctorwho
MatthewCainC4: Really enjoyed Dr Who episode The Girl Who Waited and very proud of my talented sister @tommacwriter - now for some food!
TaTUM_Maggie: @tommacwriter You made me cry!!!!!
tommacwriter: ...So?
jamesmoran: I think the only possible response to that is... OMGWTFBBQDRWHO!
Abslom_Deek: @RussTov_FanSite Tremendous Ep!!!!!
RussTov_FanSite: @Abslom_Deek massive mate x
jamesmoran: @tommacwriter Beautiful. And horrifying, in very real, upsetting way. And proper clever thinky madness! Fanbloodytastic, sir.
Above: Tom MacRae with Handbot as seen in Dr Who Confidential narrated by Russell Tovey.
Below: Scenes from Dr Who Confidential episode "What Dreams May Come" narrated by Russell Tovey. This episode corresponds with Dr Who episode "The Girl Who Waited."
tommacwriter: Oh my word what a night! I have the ponds, check-in-girl and @russelltovey voice of Confidential at mine, the part-ay is OOONNN! X
tommacwriter: Hello twitter. Well. I seem to be having literally the party of my life. Very special thanks to #nickhurran proper genius!
Tom_In_Oz_: @tommacwriter blogged your whole day so when you sober up you can read it!!
Jibbons09: Saw the love of my life @russelltovey tonight at Black Cap, didn't say anything to him because I didn't wanna be one of "those fans"
This video is a shout out from Sam Huntington to Russell Tovey at Dragoncon 2011. The Dragoncon event was held 2-5 Sep 2011 in Atlanta Georgia USA. This small segment was filmed by contributor @AustinFx4. I would also like to thank Sammy Huntington for allowing us to have this small interview for the blog.
AustinFx4: @Tom_in_Oz_ Hey Tom, next weekend is Dragoncon in Atl. Two of the American Being Human folks will be @ it. I will see if I can get anything 4 ur blog
russelltovey: @SammyHuntington thanks for the DragonCon vid bro... I shoulda be there I agree :-) x
SammyHuntington: @russelltovey Ha! I was my usual stumbling, nonsensical self, so at least you know it was from the heart. ;) Dying to meet!!
RussTov_FanSite: BIG thank you to @SammyHuntington for sending vid to @russelltovey and @AustinFx4 for doing all the hard work for the TOVEY BLOG
AustinFx4: @RussTov_FanSite @sammyhuntington @russelltovey thanks Tom! It was a pleasure meeting Sam. A real gentleman. He was great to his fans.
MikeyJGall: This is what's its all about x
Tom_In_Oz_: @MikeyJGall Are you writing a book on how Virginia Creeper is taking over the UK?
MikeyJGall: This @Tom_In_Oz_ yes that's the way I roll! I have 2 days off before a very mad week of filming. Loved my day in the spa! Bring on the blood!!!
Although it is hard to see because of the reduced size and quality of the above graphic, the picture took many hours of labour-intensive CGI work to complete. The picture was first drawn freehand before digital techniques were applied. The graphic is equivalent to an A4 sized page. Mark M. Merrett thank you and well done for your time and effort in making this wonderful artwork. The following sketch in blue ink is a detail of the preliminary drawing for my head.
Mark’s work similar to this is further over on the blog. Earlier he completed a graphic of Russell Tovey in a state of undress - click the following link:
TaTUM_Maggie: @Tom_In_Oz_ Also love your full CGI avi tis AWESOME xxx
Tovey Blog "Trends" on twitter. Click the above map to enlarge.
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