Tuesday, January 11, 2011



Episode One: The Killing House

Russell Tovey plays a baby-faced killer called "Weasel."


A dishevelled bunch of criminals who don't know each other are invited to a hideout by a mastermind who gives them secret code names and weapons so they can plan a major bank robbery.

Weasel meets Badger.

A conversation between Badger and Weasel takes place on a bed on the floor at the mastermind's hideout.

Their friendship deepens.

It's Xmas time and the bank is full of people. The robbers burst in. Weasel is still wearing his helmet as cameras are shut-down and hostages are gathered.

The bank staff and hostages befriend Weasel.

Weasel starts to chat about his life.

He is completely charming to one of the older female tellers and a bond starts to form.

Back at Ultimate Force headquarters the crew finally work out from criminal records who they are dealing with. Weasel is the shifty one on the right.

After charming the teller, Weasel engages in a game of cards with her.


Just when you think Weasel is showing signs that he can be cajoled into helping the hostages and teller, his friend Badger is challenged and shot by the criminal mastermind. Instead of recoiling in horror, Weasel comes to view the dead friend's body in a ghoulish and psychopathic way.

The criminal mastermind shoves the hostages, including Weasel, into a small holding area when gunfire erupts. The team from Ultimate Force break in killing all of the robbers bar Weasel.

The teller and hostages are found in a small office area along with Weasel but the police support team back at headquarters, that are in constant radio contact, tell the Ultimate Force men there is one criminal not accounted for and that he is armed and dangerous. Weasel who is sitting amongst the hostages is approached by the men of Ultimate Force and while the teller begs them not to shoot, a hail of bullets rips Weasel apart in an extraordinarily and bloodthirsty way - I must say I was ill at ease with this moment in the story.

This first episode gave the audience a chance to see Russell Tovey play an amazing acting range from scared young man to cute charmer to psychopathic ghoul and finally tragic hero.

The complete series was still available on DVD as of 2011. It ran for 4 seasons.

Tom in Oz

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