Saturday, June 26, 2010


Being Human - The Pilot

The BBC Three pilot of Being Human starred Russell Tovey as George but the other lead characters did not reprise their roles when the final series was commissioned. George also has a girlfriend called Julia Beckett in the pilot played by Claire Foy but Julia doesn't make an appearance in series one or two. One of the other BIG changes in the pilot is that Russell doesn't have a scar on his shoulder that becomes a very prominent feature in the series.

NB.Claire Foy plays opposte Russell Tovey in Little Dorrit which can be found elsewhere on this blog. Please use search facility at top left side.

For those who have never seen the pilot I have put together 13 minutes of stills with soundtrack to give you a rough idea of how the show originated. The action starts with George, our resident werewolf, waking up in the forest near Bristol's Clifton Suspension Bridge and continues up to the point where Mitchell (Guy Flanagan) and George (Russell Tovey) meet their resident ghost Annie (Andrea Riseborough). Soundtrack by Thompson Twins: Storm On The Sea/Hold Me Now.

Press play.

A weird thing happens in the sequence of events in the pilot...

George wakes up from eating a stag in the forest (there's a stag party reference at the start of the and then he goes to work at the hospital for a couple of hours before he spots his ex-girlfriend's name on the ward noticeboard. Next, George recounts this event while disrobing and washing in front of Mitchell down at the bathrooms. Surely cleaning one's orifices of blood and grime etc should have happened before he entered on duty? It just seems totally gratuitous.

Leaving this animated gif here is totally gratuitous too.

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